Ember Island Players

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Sokka:I expect them to mess up this play, like you guys said it had to be approved by the firelord...

Y/n:I want to see what he tries to change or alter...

Aang:Well it should be starting soon, get your stuff ready and get to Appa...

Everyone walks off expect for Azula and Toph

Azula:You, blind one, why do you not leave to grab anything...?

Toph:I have everything I need but I don't think you do...

Azula:I don't...

Toph:Then why are you here, bothering me...

Azula:Y/n is already grabbing what I need...

Toph:You didn't even say anything to him...

Azula:We've been around each other for so long that I only need to look him in eyes a certain way for him to know what I need...

Toph:Lets get this straight, I don't like you and you don't like me...

Azula:What gave the indication of that?

Toph:You boss y/n around all the time, and have been...I wasn't there when you made y/n kill Aang...

Azula:I'm not surprised you heard about that...

Toph:Don't go telling y/n to do anything crazy...

Azula:Mad over the fact y/n will follow me and he left you in an instant...we have a bond that you don't and will not ever understand truly unless you were me...

Toph sighs

Toph:You know, now that we are forced to work together for the time being I wish there was something between us...

Azula:Like what? A bond? Some sort of deeper connection...?

Toph:Like a wall...

Azula laughs a bit

Y/n walks up with a small bag and gives it to Azula

Azula:Thank you y/n...


Azula:You told me about this blind one...I like her...

Y/n:Her name is Toph...Toph, I'm really sorry in advance for Azula...

Azula:Sorry? She should be grateful to even be in my presence...

Y/n:Maybe in the fire nation palace but not so much out here...

Y/n wraps his arm around Toph and laughs

Y/n:Maybe you should be honored to be in the presence of the strongest earthbender I know...

Azula:How strong would that be?

Y/n:I think Toph could hold the world on her back...and squat with it...twice!

Toph punches y/n mutiple times

Azula:And where would you put me in the list of firebenders?

Y/n:That are alive...if I'm being honest I'd say Top 10...there's a lot of competition...

Azula:I suppose that will do...

Wan lands on Azula's shoulder

Wan:However I will say that that you and Y/n are the strongest duo in the world...together you two can beat any one...Y/n's loyalty to you is unparalleled by anything in the world and in nature...


Appa has to land somewhere hidden away where no on will see him

Aang:I'll call for you later bud...

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