Just This Once

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As promised, this chapter has some wonderful Gale lemon! (I'm so sorry at how bad I am at writing it though, so be warned. XD)

“What the hell,” I frowned as I stopped outside of Levy’s closed door. Again, there was a red sign on the doorknob, signaling that, for whatever reason, Levy wasn’t to be disturbed—even if she asked.

That makes two days in a row. I had avoided her until she had fully recovered, knowing she would be inside Fairy Tail (and safe) for the three days she was instructed to take it easy. When I saw her the day after that, two days ago now, she had looked sickly again, just as she had the month before. Her face was pale, she had dark circles under her eyes, her hair was dull, and she looked exhausted. I had attributed it to the fact that she had been shot just a few days before, but I was now starting to think it was something else.

“What are you doing?” Lily’s voice came from beside me, and I realized he was standing right next to me.

“This is the second day in a row,” I told him, motioning to the tag.

“It happens sometimes,” he shrugged. “We should leave her alone.”

“What if she’s still hurt?” I asked, wondering why he acted so causally about it.

“She isn’t.”

“What if she is?”

“If Levy were hurt, she would seek Lady Porlyusica’s help. The red tag is for something different, so just leave it alone,” Lily said, his voice stern.

“What’s it for?”

“If Levy hasn’t told you, then she doesn’t want you to know,” Lily frowned. “It isn’t my place to tell you.”

“I’m her—”

“It’s doesn’t matter what you are,” he sighed. “Some of the guild members don’t even know what that means, so drop it. She’ll tell you when—and if—she wants you to know. For now, it’s best to leave her alone until she comes out.”

But she didn’t. By dinner she had still not come out of her room. Actually, no one had seen her at all since she had disappeared into it the day before. What’s going on? Is she really alright in there?

“Hey,” I said, stopping the elf, Lucy, on the stairs as she and Salamander made their way down to the cafeteria.

“Yes?” She asked.

“Have you talked to Levy?”

She shook her head. “Sorry, but I haven’t. She’s been in her room for two days, and hasn’t let anyone in. I knocked yesterday at dinner and was promptly told to fuck off.”

“That doesn’t sound like Levy,” I frowned.

“She has her days,” Lucy chuckled. “Don’t worry about it. Levy’s a big girl, and she can take care of herself. If she needs help, she’ll ask for it.” I nodded, knowing she was probably right. She had known Levy for a lot longer than I had, anyways, so I decided to trust her.

Unfortunately, trusting her did little to ease the bad feeling that persistently remained in my stomach.

As I laid in bed that night, staring up at the ceiling, I told myself that I would definitely knock if the tag was still on her door the next day. But, when the next morning came, and it was still there, I didn’t knock. Part of me was a little afraid to knock, having no idea what I might find if I opened the door. Or what she might do to me if I open it. She was liable to attack me or something.

My Beautiful Devil (Gale) {Fairy Tail AU}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя