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OH MY GOD!! I'm so sorry it's been so long since I've updated this, Fairies! I kind of lost my spark for it there for a while, but it's back now! So, hopefully I'll be updating it more now! (: 
Also, sorry the chapter is so short, but I wanted to update something for you awesome readers! So, here you go! ^_^



"Alright," Erza said as everyone gathered back into the conference room that evening, "we need to make a decision tonight on what to do."

"Our priority should be to protect Magnolia," Gajeel said.

I glanced over at him, knowing that the angry tone in his voice and the scowl on his face were all my doing. He had been angry with me all day, barely speaking a word to me unless he absolutely had to. Ever since our argument after the meeting that morning, he had been fuming. I'm sure most of it has to do with what happened between us last night, I thought, sighing.

"Of course," Erza nodded, agreeing with him, "but how will we do that?"

"We need to convince Zeref that Levy is somewhere else," Laxus said. "Maybe spread rumors within those circles he'll most likely come into contact with that she heard he was after her and went into hiding. This will lead his searches elsewhere and give us time to come up with a plan of attack."

"But Zeref isn't a fool," Mira said. "If he hears she's gone into hiding, I'm sure he'll still check Magnolia for her, making sure she actually left. If she's still here, people from Magnolia will see her around, and that will get back to Zeref. Then he'll know the rumors were false."

"No," I said, causing everyone's eyes to fall on me, "the rumors could work. But, only if I actually leave Magnolia. I could go into hiding somewhere, and just misdirect the rumors."

"But we already discussed why it's a bad idea for you to go into hiding," Lucy frowned. "You'll get sick—or worse—if we keep you isolated and holed up in a safe house somewhere. And it will be too dangerous for you to go out to seek sustenance, or to have anyone come to you."

"I have a few loyal contacts here in Magnolia," I said, "I'm sure one of them would be willing to come with me until we get this sorted out."

"No," Laxus said, immediately, "we can't get any humans involved with this. Then we'd have to tell them what you are, and I can't allow that."

"And what other options do we have?" I snapped. "I have to leave Magnolia." I looked around the room at everyone, my face stern. "It's too dangerous for the citizens, all of you, and myself if I stay here. The safest thing would be for me to go into hiding. In order to do that, I need someone with me who is willing to—"

"I'll go with her," Gajeel said, shocking everyone.

"What?" I asked, incredulous. "Gajeel, I need someone with me who can fulfill my needs."

"I was sent here to protect you," he said, meeting my eyes, "and I intend to do that. If you're getting shipped off somewhere, then I'm coming."

"Absolutely not," I frowned. "No."

"Levy," Mirajane said, quietly, "this is actually the perfect solution if he's willing to do it. I think you should consider it."


"Listen, Shrimp," Gajeel snapped, stepping towards me, "we don't really have a lot of options here. Trust me, I'm not too keen on this plan either. But if it means the humans living in Magnolia will be kept safe, then I'm willing to do it."

My Beautiful Devil (Gale) {Fairy Tail AU}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat