That Damn Smile

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“Lu-chan!” I shrieked, grabbing the light elf’s arm and dragging her to my room. I slammed the door behind us, finally allowing my cool composure to slip a little now that I was alone with my best friend of over two hundred years.

“Levy, what’s wrong?” She asked, frowning worriedly.

“It’s him!” I exclaimed. “The human I told you about. The one from five years ago!”

“Wait, seriously?” She gasped. “Which one is he?”

“Gajeel, my new guard!” I groaned, sinking to the floor in defeat. “I’ve been running for five damned years, and he shows up here of all places!”

“It’s not that bad,” she soothed, sitting beside me and rubbing my back. “He’s only going to be here for a few months, anyways.”

“Lu-chan, I can’t be around him that long,” I sighed. “It was bad enough when I thought I would never see him again. Now that he’s here, and he’ll be with me every day, I…” I trailed off, sighing again.

After spending the night with Gajeel five years ago, I hadn’t been able to get him out of my head. When I could sleep, he plagued my dreams relentlessly, and he was always at the back of my mind. No matter where I went to try to get away from him, he was always there, lingering in my thoughts. No human had ever had that kind of effect on me.

“Maybe being around him all the time will have the opposite effect and you’ll finally be able to forget about him,” Lucy smiled.

“Hopefully,” I nodded. “I just can’t believe he’s here. And, I can’t believe he became part of the king’s guards to help protect supernaturals. By the way he attacked me in the hallway, I would have assumed he became an Eradicator.”

“Those brutes wouldn’t make it two feet into Fairy Tail,” Lucy snapped, her aura growing dark. “I’d make sure of that.”

Like most of the supernaturals at Fairy Tail, Lucy came seeking a safe haven. In particular, from the Eradicators. They had killed both her mother and father many years ago for illegally getting married, and had intended to do the same to her. Luckily, new laws came into effect about fifty years ago that prevented the killing of half-breed children and allowed peaceful supernaturals and humans to get married. That didn’t change Lucy’s hatred towards the Eradicators, though.

“I suppose I should try to get some rest,” I told her, getting to my feet.

“Keep telling yourself this will be a good thing,” she smiled, giving me a hug before she left.

I stripped and fell onto my bed, groaning. There’s no way this will be a good thing.


“I heard you flipped out yesterday when you met Levy,” Natsu snickered as we met in the cafeteria for breakfast.

“Yeah, what the hell happened?” Gray frowned. “You could have blown our cover.”

“She’s the succubus,” I growled, eating the food that Mirajane had placed in front of me.

“So?” Natsu asked.

The succubus,” I sighed, “the one from five years ago.”

He gaped at me. “Wait, seriously? She’s here?”

“I’m her new guard.”

“Damn,” Gray said, sympathetically. “Sorry, man.”

“I bet that’s awkward,” Natsu chuckled.

My Beautiful Devil (Gale) {Fairy Tail AU}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon