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It’s so warm, I thought, pulling the source of the warmth closer to me. My eyes snapped open when I suddenly remembered where I was—and who the source of the warmth was. Levy was tucked snuggly against my side, snoring softly as she slept. Silently cursing myself, I eased away from her and out of the bed. I searched around for my boxers and pants, throwing them on as quickly as I could before practically running to the door. Glancing back to make sure Levy was still asleep, I slipped out the door and returned to my room.

“Way to go, dumbass,” I growled to myself, images of the previous night replaying across my mind like a damned movie. I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower, waiting until the entire room was thick with steam before shedding my clothes and standing under the water.

As I washed, I examined the results of my night with Levy. Scratches trailed down the length of my abdomen, and I could feel more down my back. I was also fairly weak, most likely from the amount of energy she had stolen from me while we were together. But if I hadn’t, she would have died, I kept telling myself, hoping it would make me feel less shitty.

It didn’t.

I was furious with myself for going to her room, even after I had told myself it was a bad idea. I was even more furious that I had thrown away everything I had worked for the last five years by sleeping with her. I was supposed to kill her when I found her, not fuck her.

“Damn it,” I sighed, shutting off the water and wrapping a towel around my waist. I sauntered into my room and found something to wear, not very excited to face Levy. Who knows, since she was all lust-crazy, maybe she won’t even remember what happened.

If only I could have been so lucky.

“Good morning, Gajeel,” Levy called as she approached our usual table in the cafeteria. Starving, I had gone straight to breakfast after getting dressed. I was on my third plate when she sat down next to me.

“Nn,” I grunted, shoving a piece of toast into my mouth.

“It’s good to see you, Levy,” Natsu grinned from across the table, “we were starting to get worried about ya.”

“Sorry about that,” she smiled. “I wasn’t feeling well, but I believe I’ve made a full recovery.” She gave me a sideways glance, and her smile turned to a frown momentarily.

“Levy,” Lily grinned, kissing the bluenette on the cheek as he took a seat beside her, “I see you’re feeling better.”

“Much,” she chuckled.

I frowned at the two of them, acting all casual and friendly. Just like before when I thought she might be sleeping with him, jealousy twisted in my gut. Before I could really react to it, though, the Valkyrie rushed into the guildhall, followed by Jellal.

“We’ve got bad news,” she said.

“What is it?” Levy asked.

“Get Lucy and Juvia,” Erza instructed to the women’s guards, “tell them to meet me in the conference room. Mirajane and Laxus are on their way now. Levy, Gajeel, you as well.”

“If this requires all five of us it must be something incredibly bad,” Levy murmured as she led me through the guildhall, all the way to the back of the building. We entered a large room with a single table in the middle, and several chairs were placed around it.

“What could it be?” I asked.

She shook her head, frowning. “I don’t know.”

“Levy,” Lucy said, coming into the room with Natsu close behind, “what’s going on?”

My Beautiful Devil (Gale) {Fairy Tail AU}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang