Chapter 36 Phantom's POV

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Word Count: 782


"Wh-what does this have to do with what's happening now!?" Yuya and I said in unison, stutter and all.

'I'm getting there, be patient!'

"Wait!" Yuya exclaimed, the feeling of a satisfying click crossing over the link.


"Does this mean...- that you're the one who tried to destroy everything!?"

**the narrator/POV starts here again, gomenasai...**

'By the end of my tale, you'll know just as much as I do. As the last of the tournament finished, I was claimed the victor, and once again, the resentment grew. When the day drew to an end, the five of us, me and the phantoms decided to have some roman at an old-style noodle cart.

We talked until the sun set below the horizon. Just sitting on the curb with them as we ate our meal was the most peaceful moment in my life. But sadly... It was also my last moments with them...

"Hey silver spoon!" The duelist from before yelled.

We all looked to him as he and his friends ran to us.

"Wanna play?" He said in a tone that bothe asked and commanded.

"Why should I" I asked him. "I already beat you."

He smirked.

"Yeah, but this game has a twist to it!"

"What kind of 'twist'?"

He ignores me, activating his duel-disk. Having not been home yet, I was still wearing mine, hesitantly, I activated it as well. His friends activated theirs as well, the phantom returning with a similar gesture to mine.

As we dueled, one on one, me against the obvious leader, I noticed something strange. All the opponents were weak! My opponent was no exception. It wasn't until one the oldest Phantom had about one that things began to go down hill.

The eldest was about to the end the duel with the card Serif had given him. He was so close, his opponent stood at a measly fifty life points. As the blast hit. His opponent activated a powerful trap card; in return for dropping the user's life points to one, he could deal the difference in life-points as damage. The eldest had yet to lose a single life-point, so the difference was extremely great. Now they were even. At least, I thought that was the case. His opponent then proceeded to use an in-ethentic Action-Card and used it to drop the older phantom's life points to zero.

When he did, he closed the distance between the two. Standing over him, duel-disk raised, he clicked a button on the screen. I'll never forget the horrible light it emitted. As the light leaked from the insertion point on the disk, the eldest phantom vanished. In his place was a card, the image being of the fallen phantom. At the same time, the other phantoms began to fall to the same fate.

In the end, I was the only one left. I had stalled the duel by watching. Fear, anger, anguish, and loss were the only emotions left. It was then that I heard the voices. Each one filled with anger and sadness.

"How dare you!?" One yelled.

"You'll pay, you'll pay, you'll pay!" a second one whispered.

"This shall be fun!" A third laughed.

"W-Why....?" A fourth whispered in anguish to itself.

It seemed as though I was the only one who could hear them.

"Please mister, please help us...!" the forth quietly pleaded.

"You will help us!" The first interjected.

"Revenge! We shall reap revenge!" The third yelled in agreeance.

I don't have many memories after that, but when I came to, I was alone. The duelists were gone, the cards had vanished. All that was left was a sense of dread and a closed noodle cart.

I thought it had been some sort of bad dream, but upon returning home to the Tower, I knew I was wrong. As I pulled myself to my room I saw an eerie glow emitting from my deck. When I reached for it, everything went black. That's when I met him for the first time.

A thin wisp of smoke circled my legs moving upwards to wrap around me completely. It then floated in front of me, detaching itself from me, and forming an exact replica of myself. He looked just like me, but his intent for destruction was obvious.

"Thank you, other me." He spoke

Once again everything went dark, and you already know the rest of this story...'

**Back to normal my lovelies**

"so...Z-ARC, is... just another version of you?" Yuya asked.

Zarc was silent a momane.

"Originally Z-ARC was me. After everything had gone black again, I was able to watch you two. I'm not sure why, or even how, but I could; not that I could interact with you though...'

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