chapter 20- power

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looking between the device and billie's reaction she saw fear and anxiety settling in her features. she knew the girl was either about to run away or stay frozen up.

she put a light hand on her shoulder and sat her down with the chair one of the boys brought over so she could sit in.

"hey.. y'all..", juniper mumbled to the phone, seeing all the comments. most of them were playing around and saying that it wasn't billie, it was someone doing an extreme cosplay.

none of them would believe it unless billie did something that was iconic to her.

"bils, pay attention to me. come on loosen up, you've got this. someone pressed it on accident, okay? it was just a mistake but you can't go back now.", juniper grabbed the back of her neck and cupped her face, gaining her attention.

she whispered to her, wanting to keep the atmosphere calm. billie ended up nodded in confirmation when juniper asked if she was okay again, after a moment of reassurance.

she cleared her throat and scooted closer to the screen, putting her arms on the edge and giving a nervous smile to the camera.

she glanced at juniper drawing strength from her, she nodded and smiled at billie encouragingly.

"hello, babies.", billie said with renewed confidence, smirking at the comments.

'no fucking way.'


'this ain't billie lol'

'sum fake mfs'


'if you're billie eilish do something only she would do.'

some were accepting and others were in complete denial of the situation. most of them were asking for confirmation, anything to prove she was real.

'she's real. me n my friends saw her when we were hanging out. it's her.'

billie furrowed her eyebrows at that, looking like she was trying to remember something.

"diana, bailey and shay, right? i saw you guys when i was leaving.", when they responded in the chat, she nodded, taking off her rings and putting them back on. it was her way of calming her nerves sometimes.

juniper saw how her eyebrow was twitching and her eyes darted around, she was having a hard time controlling her tics and she knew it would become painful.

"take it easy on billie, guys. she's here, she's real. she's got some shit to explain, obviously. but she's here.", juniper kissed her head, not caring about people recording it.

"should we add somebody to it? so they can talk to her?", finneas came up behind billie, putting his hands on her shoulders comfortingly. more people were beginning to realize it wasn't a fib when they saw her brother coming into the frame.

"not yet, she might freeze up again..", billie looked behind with courage, holding juniper's hand.

"i can do it. i want to talk to one of them.", stokeley bent over and started to talk to them, saying how they needed to request.

"do you want it to be somebody you know or a fan?", when billie responded with 'a fan', stokeley nodded, accepting the first request he got that popped up on the screen.

almost instantaneously screaming came through the phone, startling them.

"is this actually billie? like seriously, is this her?", a young girl who looked ecstatic and about to faint rapidly spoke into the phone. her eyes were wide and excited.

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