chapter 13- hands

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"stay with me, you've got this, honey. please keep your eyes open. i know you're tired.", the woman above her said. her hair was whipping around but that was because the ambulance she was transferred into was running over pot holes.

the scene of the previous ambulance replayed like a broken record. she couldn't get the screams from the crash out of her head. the pain was minimal as nothing but numbness coursed through her body.

faces she never knew or thinks she's never seen flashed through her mind like polaroids. they all held different expressions and nothing pained her more than seen the familiar face of the girl who's captured her heart in the ever flowing tide of people with a heartbroken face.

she felt like her world was ending as the vehicle rocked side to side, a steady hand came in contact with her shoulder. she was jolted away, the paramedics not allowing her to close her eyes for more than a second.

"stay with me. you alright, dear? well obviously not, your leg is fucking gone.", she chuckled. billie wanted to laugh, she did, but her mouth refused to move. she could only stare blankly at the bland white roof.

"where's the naxolone? the others didn't give her enough.", a needle was inserted into her arm, sending electricity down her spine.

"who was on the job?", the voice was hesitant, billie knew it was best if she didn't know but the woman was curious.

"danny and jenkins. i'm sorry, vee..", her friend stated, putting a comforting hand on the heartbroken woman who was leaning back. she shook her head and the hand off before going back to stabilizing billie.

"it's fine.. it's fine. i'm fine..", billie couldn't help but tear up at the situation. this was her fault and the faces of the dead would haunt her until she found her grave.

which shouldn't be too far along down the line.

"you're alright, you're losing blood rapidly, honey. we've got you though, everything will be just fine.. just rest now.", with that her eyes closed and her mind fell quiet.


"fuck! danny grab my fucking hand! you're gonna—", then a piercing scream cut him off, they were tumbling down towards the wash and the two paramedics held onto each other the best they could.

billie struggles weakly against the restraints crying when she could feel the ambulance splitting apart.

"get her!", a hand ripped away the ropes before she flew into one of sides of the vehicle. they hurdled further before it stopped for a split second then the half of it violently ripped in half. sending the driver and the two men to their death.

the ambulance acted as an overhang as it barely balanced on the edge, teetering like it was about to fall.

"help me! please!", a grubby hand grasped onto her out stretched one suddenly, it didn't feel warm or helpful. it was scorching and suddenly the body fell to the ground.

the crisped and rotting flesh stared straight at her,  blown open eyes with the lids completely seared off. the lips cracked open, letting out a shrill shriek, making her sob and shake in attempt to detach herself from the corpse.

"you killed us! you killed me and my friend! if you didn't fucking take those pills we wouldn't be in this situation!", the bones cracked and deformed itself as the dead body rose from the ground, neck turned at an odd angle. the jaw was falling off and billie had never been more terrified in her life.

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