chapter 7- run

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"can you shut. the fuck. up.", billie waved her hands around and paused in between every couple of words, finalizing her point. in just a couple of hours they were going to juniper's wedding.

not that billie knew anything about it other than it was a 'party' and the girl was there.

"you don't have to worry so much about it. just wear what you usually do!", billie's style changed, not too much, but enough to the point where somebody would say, "oh i've never seen you wear that.".

"you don't understanddddd, bro! this is a big fuckin' deal!", she was rushing around her room and throwing multiple pieces of clothing behind her, one hit jahsehs face as he was scrolling through his phone.

brandon snickered when he realized what it was.

"aye, bruh! this yo pair of underwear! bruhhh.", he gagged and threw it off the bed, hitting the window.

"y'all got stank booty?", stokeley laughed, the two boys watching as jah rubbed his face roughly.

"why the fuck your dick smell like roses? you spray.. something.. down there?", he whispered the last part like it was something top secret.

"no, i just ain't leave my shit to stain it like you do.", jahseh gasped, falling backwards abruptly when brandon laughed out loud and slapped him in the face.

"watch your damn hands bro! big motherfuckers.", jahseh threw his hand onto his stomach as he rolled onto it, clutching his abdomen as he wheezed out a laugh.

stokeley covered his mouth, trying to hold in his own while he looked at billie frustratedly running in and out of the closet.

"stop going through that shit, are you gay or not?", billie stood still and gave a him an unamused expression.

"that wasn't funny, and y'all come over, mess up my bed that i made by myself, start throwing my shit around—", stokeley held up a hand, pushing her.

"ah, ah. no, you're throwing around things. didn't you just see your stinky panties fly onto jah's face?", the rapper nodded in agreement, looking at the culprit next to the window.

"i don't got panties, bro. you wear thongs and shit.", brandon looked down at himself, wondering if he actually does wear them. quickly wanting to do something with his hands he bounced up from the bed and jumped into the living room.

searching for something to do.

checking his phone his eyes widened, an unsettling text sent chills down his spine and activated his fight or flight mode.

im coming over!
i've got some stuff for y'all :)

brandon let out a squeak and started to run around the room, bursting through the door, heaving in a panic.

"ju- she— comin' over— something!", he wheezed and clutched his chest, he pointed at billie with a shaky finger. his eyes wide and manic, then he jabbed his index to the closet.

"in! get in! you're straight now!", he ran to her and shoved her inside, closing the door and propping himself up against it as she threw herself at the wooden barrier.

"what the fuck man! let me out! the fuck.", she yelled. brandon swallowed harshly and looked at his friends who were frozen in place, giving confused looks.

"what was that?", jahseh yelped barely catching the phone that brandon clumsily threw his way.

his eyes skimmed over the text, shooting stokeley a look of anxiety.

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