Interval 07 - Retaliation

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*loud electronic whirring*

As the elevator is reaching the final area, a large rotating spherical machine is uncovered and is harnessing all of the psychic energy and telepathy inside it.

JSDF Soldier 1: Whoa... Is this?..
Johann: It is.
Daniel: That's the Vault. A psionic spherical harnessing device, made to harness all of the psychic energy and telepathy in it.

The elevator stops, they leave and head to the observation deck.

The scientist, Doctor Charon Wade, operates the control to release it. Daniel tries to bash and kick the airlock door open as it is futile. They were too late to stop him, as he proceeds to unleash it to the world.

Daniel: No, stop! You don't know what you are doing!
Daniel: Break, damn it!

Charon: This was given to us by those three unknown individuals. They wanted to destroy this thing, but it has given enough. This is how it ends.

System A.I.: Release sequence complete. Error, unidentified hostile detected.

The homunculi liquefies the scientist to his death by melting his skin and flesh, as it leaves the containment vat.

Charon: ?!... Wha-?.... *scream*
*demonic growl*

Blood splattered to the glass pane of the airlock, as it opens.

They arrive only to see the liquified corpse of Doctor Charon.

Daniel: Damn it, we're too late. He released the demon.
JSDF Soldier 1: What now?
Daniel: We still have to destroy this place. There has to be another way to neutralize it.

The time and space in the room around them dissipates, changing into a chamber. Voices of victims' souls echo as they reach out for anybody help them.

Daniel: What the-
Johann: What the hell is this place?...

A familiar voice answers them.

Unknown: My, what's this? It seems you are trying to destroy the demon that you have chased for long. Still, I can't believe everyone that died in these exams are calling out for help. How dramatic, just like a baby bird falling out of a nest and can never go back home.

Daniel: !.... That voice! So it was you, you were behind all of this!
Johann: You were that homunculi all along?!
Unknown: No, that was just my pet. To help me gather souls of the dead participants from the exams.

They face the one who is old culprit, it is Fav.

Fav: You still got in the way of bringing myself back to the real world.
Johann: "Bringing myself back"? To the real world? Are you saying you are reviving yourself by using these souls of the people trapped to the earth and couldn't ascend to paradise?
Fav: Ding, ding! Good answer! When I come back from the dead, I will continue the exams from where I left off. As for these poor souls, we'll use them as a source of life and power. We will continue bringing out...the strongest humans and the strongest magical girls!
Daniel: Grrr!... You dehumanizing bastard! They are souls of the humans, not some enslaved beings like cattle!
Fav: Save the lecture for later, human souls can be weaponized, they can create newer beings and give more power.

Ako, by her soul, calls out to them. Johann proceeds to attack Fav, but the attacks go through him.

Ako: Stop!
Daniel: What?
Ako: Don't listen to what he's saying!
Johann: S***!

Johann: Our bullets go through him?!
Fav: *laugh* Nice try, but I don't have a body. You can't even lay a scratch on me.
Ako: Hey, come here! Now!

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