Interval 03 - Escalation

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Daniel wakes up.

Jin: Is he okay?
Koyuki: He doesn't appear to be injured.
Daniel: I'm fine. Just suffered a knockback from the explosion.
Jin: I don't know how you survived through that.
Koyuki: He'll live. All that matters is the mission we're doing right now.

He continues to pursue the Replica forces to find out their true motives. Mimori informs Daniel that the Replicas are withdrawing from the harbor.

Mimori (radio): Daniel, it looks like were seeing a withdrawal.
Daniel: Withdrawal? Any chances you've found out what they're up to?
Mimori (radio): They're retreating to the cargo delivery bay, which looks like their staging area.

Replica Command (radio): Get back to the rendezvous point, we'll trap him in the crossfire.
Replica Soldier 1 (radio): Copy.

At the warehouse office, next to the cargo delivery bay, he scans the enemy while in hiding to plan out his next attack. A helicopter arrives to spare reinforcements for the force.

A heavy armored unit comes out of the armored truck.

Daniel: Great. Heavy armor. It looks like an ordinary SMG or Pistol won't take him down. I'll need better firepower take him out. Hmm?

Daniel sees a sporting purpose automatic shotgun, sitting next to the shelf. He takes it.

Daniel: Guess I'll need you, for some time.

Outside the warehouse, the Replica force has gathered and prepares to face off against him.

Replica Soldier 1 (Echo 2-4, radio): Echo 8, prepare for possible first encounter combat. He could be here any moment.
Replica Soldier 2 (Echo 1-8, radio): Copy that, Echo 2-4. The heavy armored unit should be able to deal with him easily.

Daniel smashes the glass window to distract them, as he quickly climbs the stairs to the second floor.

Replica Soldier 2 (Echo 1-8): It was over there. Check it.
Replica Soldier 3 (Echo 1-4): Copy.

The clone soldier investigates the broken glass window. He finds nothing there.

Daniel is at the second floor, outside and on the balcony, behind the crate.

*pin pull*

Just as he is about to throw a grenade, another soldier spots him from a distance.

Replica Soldier 4 (Echo 3-4): Movement!

*grenade bounce*

Replica Soldier 3 (Echo 1-4): Watch out, grenade!


Daniel proceeds to shoot at the Replica Troops. Using his slow motion reflex ability, he managed to take them down.

The heavy armored unit is still alive, and starts firing at Daniel.

The projectile misses him, hitting the wall. He sees that they are not ordinary bullets, but 10-millimeter steel stakes. He hides behind a cargo container.

He throws another grenade, only to stumble the heavy armored unit. He blast him away with shotgun, sustaining heavy damage and immediately killing him effectively.

*inhumane scream*

The heavy armored unit is dead. Daniel proceeded to examine dead heavy soldier.

Daniel: Let's see... Ballistic armor plate, and heavy armored suit. And this weapon is?...

He ejects the magazine out of the weapon, seeing it uses 10-millimeter steel stakes as ammunition. It is revealed to be a military-grade nail gun.

Daniel: A military-grade nail gun. Guess he won't be needing this anymore, might as well as take it since I would need a better loadout. Mimori, all hostiles in this harbor are eliminated. What now?
Mimori (radio): Hold on, I'm sending a heli on your location. Keep an eye out of for it, we received a call from the JSDF that their squad has encountered heavy resistance and need support.

*helicopter engine running*

Helix 1-1 Pilot (radio): This is Helix Actual. Arriving at LZ.

After the helicopter landed a bit close to the ground, Daniel climbs to the top of the crates and gets in.

Daniel: I'm in. Get us to the headquarters of TETRACORP.

Helix 1-1 Pilot: Hang on, lifting off the ground.

The helicopter flies away from the harbor.

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