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Angelics' Stats

Season: Leafbare (1/3)
Weather: Gentle Snowfall
Event: ✧none✧
Fresh-kill: 6
Herbs: 39
Sticks: 6
Border: 19/25

Cats: 25
Archangel: 0
Devine: 0
Angels: 1
Celestials: 1
Guardians: 1
Saints: 2
Sprites: 5
Seraphs: 0
Cherub Mother's: 5
Cherubs: 10
Spirits: 5

Hungry: 0
Starving: 0
Slightly Injured: 0
Injured: 1
Severely Injured: 1
Infection: 0
Cough: 0
Whitecough: 0
Greencough: 0
Vilecough: 0
Hayfever: 0
Sleep Deprived: 0
Rabies: 0
Dead: 0

Archangel Den: ✓
Devine Den: ✓
Angel Den: ✓
Celestial Den: ×
Guardian Den: ✓
Saint Den: ✓
Sprite Den: ✓
Seraph Den: ✓
Cherub Den: ✓


୧୧Only The Pure Can Fly Like Angels୨୨

Sakurapool went out alone in the thunderstorm. She slipped in mud and was blown off a hill making her injured but the mud in her wounds have her an infection..

The celestial den was destroyed in the storm.

Archbreaker was healed and is now only slightly injured.

Clearsky was healed he is now only injured.

The Fellas have left. Jasper was delighted to leave, Sebastian was indifferent, and Chess was a little saddened.

Lightsheen has given birth to three kits, welcome coolwarriorcatsgirl, Brindleshine, and xX__Cinderblaze__Xx to the Angelics!

Darkviolet has named her kits Meteorkit, and Ebonykit!

Butterflybreeze has named her kits Ripplekit, Asterkit, and Valleykit!

Someone needs to take over Hollowfire while beetlemaniac- is away.

Lakestar DetectiveShadow_
Short-furred silver she-cat with green eyes
Age: 43 moons
Reputation: 50/50
Lightning Bolts: 5
Kits: Hazelkit
Friends: Butterflybreeze
HuntingSkill Level 5
BattleSkill Level 5
GatheringSkill Level 5
Lives: 3
Stats: Mothering Kits (1 energy)

Darkviolet Degal_Heartfang
A shadowy black molly with a long tail; icy lavender eyes
Age: 61 moons
Reputation: 49/50
Lightning Bolts: 11
Kits: Meteorkit, Ebonykit
Acquaintances: Lilacice, Fiercesong
HuntingSkill Level 5
BattleSkill Level 5
GatheringSkill Level 5
Stats: Nursing Kits (0 energy)

Goldenglow glow-of-the-sun (temporarily mintpelt1)
A large fluffy pale golden molly with amber eyes
Age: 42 moons
Reputation: 43/50
Lightning Bolts: 7
Relationships; NONE
HuntingSkill Level 5
BattleSkill Level 5
GatheringSkill Level 5
Stats: Healthy (3 energy)

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