66 6 102


Angelics' Stats

Season: Leaf-fall (1/3)
Weather: Breezy
Event: ✧travelers+bear✧
Fresh-kill: 42
Herbs: 52
Sticks: 6
Border: 19/25

Cats: 17
Archangel: 0
Devine: 0
Angels: 2
Celestials: 1
Guardians: 1
Saints: 2
Sprites: 6
Seraphs: 0
Cherub Mother's: 3
Cherubs: 2
Spirits: 5

Hungry: 0
Starving: 0
Slightly Injured: 0
Injured: 0
Severely Injured: 0
Infection: 0
Cough: 0
Whitecough: 0
Greencough: 0
Vilecough: 0
Hayfever: 0
Sleep Deprived: 0
Rabies: 0
Dead: 1

Archangel Den: ✓
Devine Den: ✓
Angel Den: ✓
Celestial Den: ✓
Guardian Den: ✓
Saint Den: ✓
Sprite Den: ✓
Seraph Den: ✓
Cherub Den: ✓


୧୧Only The Pure Can Fly Like Angels୨୨

Sparkheart's body was found shredded from a bear. Her body mist be buried.

There is a bear in the territory.
Four cats must use /lure bear away to lure the best out of the territory. This takes 2 energy.

The Fellas agreed to stay for a few moons. Roleplay and Sin Commands are on the table 👀.

White tom with golden markings and grey eyes.
42 moons
HuntingSkill 4
ForagingSkill 5

A long furred white Tom with grey and black tabby markings and pale brown eyes.
29 moons
HuntingSkill 5
BattleSkill 4

Black tom with faint dark orange markings and yellow eyes.
37 moons
HealingSkill 5
BattleSkill 5

Marigoldwish has given birth to a single kit. Welcome DracoDragonGirl to the Angelics!

Butterflybreeze has moved to the cherub den!

Someone needs to play Goldenglow and Hazelkit while glow-of-the-sun and talfli are away.


Lakestar DetectiveShadow_
Short-furred silver she-cat with green eyes
Age: 40 moons
Reputation: 50/50
Lightning Bolts: 5
Kits: Hazelkit
Friends: Butterflybreeze
HuntingSkill Level 5
BattleSkill Level 5
GatheringSkill Level 5
Lives: 3
Stats: Nursing Kits (0 energy)

Darkviolet Degal_Heartfang
A shadowy black molly with a long tail; icy lavender eyes
Age: 58 moons
Reputation: 48/50
Lightning Bolts: 5
Acquaintances: Lilacice, Fiercesong
HuntingSkill Level 5
BattleSkill Level 5
GatheringSkill Level 5
Other: Medium White Seeds with Black Spots
Stats: Healthy (3 energy)

Goldenglow glow-of-the-sun
A large fluffy pale golden molly with amber eyes
Age: 39 moons
Reputation: 43/50
Lightning Bolts: 7
Relationships; NONE
HuntingSkill Level 5
BattleSkill Level 5
GatheringSkill Level 5
Stats: Healthy (3 energy)

Butterflybreeze Danielle20150
Small, fluffy white she-cat with ginger ears, tail and face, and blue eyes
Age: 38 moons
Reputation: 45/50
Lightning Bolts: 10
Friends: Lakefeather
HuntingSkill Level 5
BattleSkill Level 5
GatheringSkill Level 4.5
Stats: Expecting Kits (1 energy)

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