94 9 122


Angelics' Stats

Season: Greenleaf (2/3)
Weather: Hot and Wet
Event: ✧travelers✧
Fresh-kill: 36
Herbs: 48
Sticks: 21
Border: 19/25

Cats: 17
Archangel: 0
Devine: 0
Angels: 3
Celestials: 1
Guardians: 1
Saints: 3
Sprites: 7
Seraphs: 0
Cherub Mother's: 1
Cherubs: 1
Spirits: 2

Hungry: 0
Starving: 0
Slightly Injured: 0
Injured: 0
Severely Injured: 0
Infection: 0
Cough: 0
Whitecough: 0
Greencough: 0
Vilecough: 0
Hayfever: 0
Sleep Deprived: 0
Rabies: 0
Dead: 2

Archangel Den: ✓
Devine Den: ×
Angel Den: ✓
Celestial Den: ✓
Guardian Den: ✓
Saint Den: ✓
Sprite Den: ✓
Seraph Den: ✓
Cherub Den: ✓


୧୧Only The Pure Can Fly Like Angels୨୨

Three toms showed up in camp. They called themselves the fellas. What will you guys do? Roleplay and Sin Commands are on the table 👀.

White tom with golden markings and grey eyes.
41 moons

A long furred white Tom with grey and black tabby markings and pale brown eyes.
28 moons

Black tom with faint dark orange markings and yellow eyes.
36 moons

Lakestar has given birth to one kit, welcome talfli to the group!

Strange scents were almost completely ignored good job. :D

Lilacice has maxed her HuntingSkill!

Deerleap and Sunnyhaze were climbing trees together when they were attacked by a hawk and fell and broke their necks. They need to be buried.

The Archangel and her Council may decide what to do with Deerleap's lightning bolts!


Lakestar DetectiveShadow_
Short-furred silver she-cat with green eyes
Age: 38 moons
Reputation: 50/50
Lightning Bolts: 5
Kits: Kit 1
Friends: Butterflybreeze
HuntingSkill Level 5
BattleSkill Level 5
GatheringSkill Level 5
Lives: 3
Stats: Nursing Kits (0 energy)

Darkviolet Degal_Heartfang
A shadowy black molly with a long tail; icy lavender eyes
Age: 56 moons
Reputation: 48/50
Lightning Bolts: 30
Acquaintances: Lilacice, Fiercesong
HuntingSkill Level 5
BattleSkill Level 5
GatheringSkill Level 5
Stats: Healthy (3 energy)

Goldenglow glow-of-the-sun
A large fluffy pale golden molly with amber eyes
Age: 37 moons
Reputation: 43/50
Lightning Bolts: 7
Relationships; NONE
HuntingSkill Level 5
BattleSkill Level 5
GatheringSkill Level 5
Stats: Healthy (3 energy)

Butterflybreeze Danielle20150
Small, fluffy white she-cat with ginger ears, tail and face, and blue eyes
Age: 36 moons
Reputation: 45/50
Lightning Bolts: 10
Friends: Lakefeather
HuntingSkill Level 5
BattleSkill Level 5
GatheringSkill Level 4.5
Other: Medium Grey Seeds
Stats: Healthy (3 energy)

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