"A bit?" I said, raising an eye brow.

"Okay maybe a little more than a bit. Why can't we be like we were in New York?" She asked.

"Yeah!" I agreed.

"Why can't you be nice like you were before?" She added.

"I am still nice!" I retorted.

"Sure, whatever you say." She replied.

"What do you mean by that? "

"See! You're fighting again!" Riana said.

"I am not fighting!" I protested.

"Oh really? Then what is this?" She inquired.

"I am having a very mature discussion with you." I answered.

"Oh please! You are always arguing about something with me. It's either that or you are making out with your girlfriend."

"You are just jealous of Samantha!"

"How dare you say that?! I am not jealous of ... of ... of that blonde banana! She can go to hell!"

"See! Jealous!" I said and then continued, "You said I was bias, moody, rude and conceited. Do you know what you are?!"

"What? What am I? Huh?" She demanded, her face read with rage.

"You are damn hot!" I blabbered out.

"Well .... well you are too!" She screamed back, anger still present in her tone.

"You turn me on!" I said with equal amount of rage in my voice.

"You've got beautiful curls!" She yelled furiously.

I have no idea where this conversation was now headed, but I had a feeling it was headed in the right direction.

"Well then tell me how you feel when I do this?" I shouted. I then bent over and kissed her! Her soft lips smashed into mine and I didn't want to let go. She pulled away breathless.

"Harry... I ... I can't. You've got a girlfriend." Riana said.

"I HAD a girlfriend. I broke up with her today morning. When you stomped off to your room, I went to mine and did a lot of thinking. I chose you over her. I didn't want her to waste her time with me. She deserves better, so I called her and told her that we needed to talk. She was very understanding. Samantha, is a nice girl, but whenever I was with her my heart and brain only shouted your name. I want you. I want to be with you."

Riana's cheeks turn soft pink in colour and a smile crept on her face. She moved forward and once again her soft lips on mine, as we kissed.


A sound came from behind us breaking us apart. We turned around to see Louis standing there with his jaw dropped open. His eyes popping open in shock. He had a broken cup of tea next to his feet. I presume that cup of tea was in his hands two minutes ago. 

"AAAAAAAAAAAA! OH MY GOD!" Louis screamed at the top of his lungs. 

"Shush!" I said, but it was too late everyone in the house was now standing in front of us. 

Niall held a baseball bat in his hand as he rushed down the stairs followed by Liam who held a pillow in his hand,who is he going to hurt with a pillow? Zayn and Alisha followed them downstairs. 

"Whoever you are come out now!" Liam said, looking around. 

"Or...or we'll call the police!" Zayn added. 

"What? Who are you guys talking to?" I asked. 

"The thief!" Alisha added. 

"What?" I inquired, still confused. 

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