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Mark POV

I was shaken awake by an agitated Taeyong. "Mark, get up. Do you know what time it is"? I checked my phone and immediately jumped out of bed. "Oh shit how did I sleep through all of my alarms". I hurriedly got ready. I brushed my teeth, washed my hair and face, and got dressed as quickly as I could. We had an early schedule to guest on a radio show. I speed-walked out the dorm to join the rest of the 127 members who were also walking hastily to the cars waiting outside.


We arrived and started the radio show on time. Couple of minutes in and everything was running smoothly so far. There were two hosts and we reached the subject about our new album.

Host 1:
"So you guys have recently released a new album. Why don't you tell us about it?"

Doyoung sat upright and scooted closer to the mic. "Yes, we released a new album called Free. Our songs touch up on the concept of 'free' in one way or another.For example, we have a song about being free from society's chains and criticisms. On the other hand, we have a light-hearted song about what we would do on a free day. What's especially exciting is that all of our members this time around has contributed to lyric-writing and music compositions. So in this sense, there was freedom in creative direction. It's definitely a fitting them for us"

Host 2:

"Wow! That's very exciting! I've actually listened to some of the songs already and let me tell you guys, the album sounds amazing so far. What are everybody's favorite songs on the album?"

"I like Unbound. The title sounds strong, but the song itself is mellow. It's nice to listen to whenever I want to feel calm"

"I like No. Very strong beats. Very good"

"I personally like To Me. The message of the song really hits home. It's one of the songs that Mark wrote, actually!"

Host 1:
"Oh really? I hear that you have quite the wide range of talents, Mark"

"Ah well I'm always trying hard in whatever I do. Same for my members as well. They're always doing their best for themselves, for us, and for our fans"

Host 2:
"There's something I'm curious about. So you're in all the units."

Host 1:
"SuperM too"

Host 2:
"That means you fit all the concepts correct? Lee Soo Man also recognizes your talents as well"


"I guess you can say that? I am very grateful for the opportunities that I have"

Host 1:

"NCT seems like a tough group to be in. There are members in almost all the units and there are some who are just in one unit and probably don't get many lines. Do you guys have plans to perhaps even this out in the near future?"

Feeling uncomfortably worried, we all looked towards our managers who furiously shook their heads, signaling to us and the hosts to drop the subject.


"The Kpop industry is quite competitive and difficult, but our members all have the same goal. Instead of working against each other, we work with one another and we all work hard, every single one of us. Like for this album, we all worked hard on it and it's something we're very proud of"

Host 1:
"Yes, the comeback is super unique and the fans are really loving the new title track. Can you guys sing a part of it for us?"


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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