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Galleous' (OD) p.o.v

Senn drops his sword for some reason, and steps back shakingly.

I take the opportunity, and use the hilt of my sword and whack it hard onto the back of his head.

He falls over, unconscious.

The remaining Voltaris fall back.

Vulcannus picks up his axe. ' That was close... What happened back there? He looked like he saw a ghast.'

' I don't know.'

' Galleous, as tempting as it may be, I suggest we keep him alive for now.'

I look up at him. ' We're not killing him?'

' We still don't know where Achillean is, and besides, he may have some useful information.'

I glance towards the Voltaris who was once one of my students. He had killed my brother, and I would very much like to avenge Thalleous.

But now isn't the time for that. We have to put priorities first. ' Fine, I'll go get Pythus.'


Senn's (OD) p.o.v

I open my eyes. I try to get up, but my hands and legs are tied up.

Shouldn't be a surprise. There aren't any prison cells in K'arthen, Magnorites can bust right out of them. Even if they did build any in the end, I could simply Mobiliflash out of it, and Pythus wouldn't be stupid enough to risk that.

Soon enough, the King of the Nether himself walks into the room.

' Hello again, Senn.'

' It's been a while, Pythus.'

He stops in front of me. ' Get to the point. Where is Achillean?'

' I don't know.'

' Don't lie.'

' I really don't know. All Ingressus told me is that he's not with you guys anymore.'

' We sent him to investigate, and he hasn't returned. What are the Voltaris doing to him?'

' I told you- I don't know. Maybe you should have gotten one of the other Voltaris for that information, I haven't been keeping track of everything recently.'

Footsteps echo through the room. I look to the side as Galleous walks in as well.

' Hmph, you here to kill me?' I ask.

' Not yet,' he glares at me.

' Galleous, you shouldn't be here,' Pythus tells him.

' I just wanted to see how things were going,' Galleous says.

' Then no weapons on you.'

Galleous pulls out his sword and flings it away.

Pythus turns back to me. ' Where have you and the other five been recently?'

' I'm not telling you that.'

' What are the Voltaris up to?'

' I said I'm not telling you.'

' Do you want us to kill you then?'

' I'd like to see you try.'

Galleous scrowls, but manages to stay put.

Pythus doesn't respond for a moment, then walks out of the room.

Galleous glares at me again before picking up his sword and leaving with Pythus.

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