Lets talk Volleyball part 1.

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I woke up extra early today to a text from Kamila.
Goodmorning Ms.Y/N how are you thus morning ~.~
Why are you trying to be so proper? Anyways goodmorning!
Because I am PrOpEr.
I texted u for a reason..
oh yea Kenma doesn't want to go to school he said.
*sigh* we probably scared him away 😭
probably 😭but i went there this morning and his mom said he was fine. she told us to try and get him outta bed :) hehehehehe
I just know your up to no good when you laugh like tht. Anyways i'll be ready in 10.
After I did my normal morning routine earlier than usual. My sister was walking to my room as I was walking out.
"Again? Why are you waking up so early now? You don't like seeing my angelic face in the morning?" she whined.
"No. Of course I love waking up to eye crust and snot stains everyday"
"Oh fuck you" she laughed.
I went downstairs and Kamila was there sitting and chatting in the kitchen with my mom.
"Oh heyyy" she said face stuffed with bacon.
"Heyyy" I replied.
*gasp* "ALUNAAAA" Kamila yelled.
"KAMILAAA" Aluna yelled back.
They ran and hug each other like it's been years they're finally being reunited.
"So dramatic" I said while eating.
Me and Kamila finished and said bye to Aluna and my mom. We made our way to Kenmas house and rang the doorbell. A average height lady answered the door. She had nice black locks and was very slim.
"Hi I'm Kenmas mom. You must be Y/N. You can call me Ms. Kozume" she said smiling.
"Hi and yes I am ! How do you know my name?" I asked. "Kamila did you tell her?".
"Nope I only told her mine" she replied.
"Oh Kenma talks about you from time to time"she concluded.
"Hey ! What about me?" Kamila pouted.
"Nope! I am only now just hearing about you"
"Aw man!"
She invited us in and told us where Kenmas room was. We walked upstairs and knocked on his door.
"Yea?" he replied.
We could hear muffled noises of mario kart being played. We swung open the door and greeted him with a
"Kenmaaaaaaa....heyyyyy" !!
Kenmas eyes widen as he flinched. He looked over at us in his doorway. He then tried to make a run for it to his bathroom.
"Oh no you don't" I said while jumping on him and Kamila blocking the door. Kenma stiffed up a bit to how I was positioned on him. Legs wrapped while I was clinging to his neck. FROM THE SIDE !!
"ooouuuuu" kamila laughed.
I looked at Kenma to see him flushed red and looking away from me. I started blushing and slowly got off him.
"I- sorry about that." I said.
"Oh my god. Y'all are both burning up!" Kamila snickered. "How cute".
Kenma put his hand over his face trying to cover it.
"Oi. Kenma why wasn't you trying to come to school today?" Kamila asked breaking the silence.
"I just didn't want to go" he said regaining his color in his face.
"Trynna run away so soon" I said laughing.
"No it's not that. It's just-"
"You don't want us coming to see you practice later on?" Kamila interrupted.
*gasp* "I am offended" I said playfully to Kenma.
"I never said that!" he said.
"Uhuh. Anyways. There is no escaping us. Now hurry and get dressed we wanna go to school with you!" I said persistently.
————————-Kenmas Pov————————
I hear mom talking to someone downstairs. I'm guessing it's just the mailman. I have no time to be thinking about that. I'm almost at the Mushroom Cup and I cannot be stopped now. She closed the door. Guess he left already. A couple minutes later I hear a knock at the door. Expecting it to be my mother I say "Yea". The door opens and to my surprise I see Y/N and Kamila standing there. I already know they came to confiscate me. Might as well make a run for it right? But of course it fails. All I wanted to do was stay home and play mario kart. Next thing I know, Y/N jumps on me. I was startled for a moment. But then quickly realized she was on me. She smelled nice. Like vanilla. No no.. what am I thinking. My face felt hot seconds later and I had to look away to try to hide it. I don't even know what to say in a predicament like this. She then hops off me. I glance at her and see her face is bright red. She looks. Kinda cute.
"I-sorry about that" she said quietly.
She's adorable. She looks so innocent when she apologized.
Kamila then broke the silence and asked why I wasn't trying to come to school today.
No reason actually just wanted to stay home.
"You don't want us to come to your practice later on?" Kamila asked.
It wasn't that. I really don't mind. I really don't do much. They then usher me to get ready because they wanted to go to school with me.
Huh..they want to do something with me. But I barley do anything. Kinda feels nice though.
————————-Y/N's POV———————-
As Kenma goes to get ready we sit in his room on his bed. I pick up his game and start playing. I beat the Mushroom Cup with ease. Kenma walks out dressed and grabs his bag. I hand him his game with the level beaten. He stares intently and then looks at the game.
"Hey I got first place for you" I said turning away crossing my arms.
"Cheater" he said putting his game away.
"And how is that so?" I asked.
"You. just. are" he said looking at me while taking out a juice box.
"Well excuse me Mr. I couldn't beat that level"
Kenma glared at me while I stuck my tongue out at him.
"I was just teasing" he said giggling slightly.
"Let's gooo enough chit chat we're gonna be late." Kamila yelled.
We walked our route to school of course stopping at the cafe for ice coffee and apple pie.
"Why are you guys getting ice coffee still? You know they say it stunts your gowth." Kenma said.
"Im just fine though." Kamila said proud to be 5'2.
"Same heree" I said sipping my coffee.
"Uhuhhh" he said placing his hand on my head while taking a bite out of his apple pie. I smiled at him as we made our way inside our school.
"Yooo Kenma" Kuroo yelled from down the hall. "Oh hey Y/N and Kamila".
"Heyyy" we said simultaneously.
"Wheres Lev" Kamila asked. "Not that I need him or anything".
"Ohhhh?" Kuroo said raising his eyebrow. "He's in that classroom right over there".
Kamila left to go speak to Lev leaving me with Kenma and Kuroo.
"Welp. Ima go with Kamila and we're gonna head to class" I directed at Kenma. "See you inside".
"Woah... leaving so soon?" Kuroo said while leaning his elbow on my head.
"Yes. Yes I am. And excuse me SIR but your heavy and your crushing my neck bones" I said trying to move his elbow.
When he didn't budge i pinched at his skin.
"Ouchhh-" Kuroo winced in slight pain.
He then pinched my ear which caused it to turn slightly red.
As we bickered for a few minutes and Kenma looked bored holding his backpack between both his hands.
"Come on Y/N" Kenma said while dragging me by my hand to the direction of the classroom. "See ya Kurro"
"You looked like you were having fun" he said sarcastically.
"Fun? Being pinched is fun? What are you a masochist?" I said laughing to myself.
We both laughed and was on our way to go get Kamila. We walked in front of the classroom and instantly heard Kamila giggling. I look at Kenma and we thought the same thing.
"I'm not going in there" we said simultaneously.
"Good now let's go to class. She knows her way" I said scarred.
We made it to class and sat down. A few minutes later Kamila walked in smiling brightly with flushed cheeks.
"Someone had fun" I said teasing her.
"Yes. Yes I did" she said smiling bigger.
The classes today weren't as bad and lunch was the same as always.
Time Skip on the way to the Gym
"Ooouuu I'm excited. I can't wait to meet your team" I said to Kenma enthusiastically.
"Don't speak so soon" he replied. "It's kind of hectic not having a manager and all".
"Oh really?" I said questioning.
"Yea but we're pretty stable" he answered.
As we headed to the gym, I was more than excited to witness them play volleyball. Which sounds kind of cliché but, when passionate people play a sport they're passionate about. It makes you feel like your out there playing yourself. And I just couldn't wait to see it. But then again these are chaotic boys were talking about >~<.

*Lemon🍋*  Kenma x Black Reader (finished)Where stories live. Discover now