Nekoma :)

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"Y/N. Get. out. of bed. NEOW." my sister Aluna barked at my door.
I ignored her as usual hoping she'd go away. I then heard my door open. And her heavy footsteps stop at my bed. I tried to hold back my laughter and buried my head farther into my stomach. Since I was curled up in a ball under my covers. She then yanks the covers off of me and starts shaking me violently.
"Get up. Momma said get ready breakfast is almost done" she said slurring her words, holding back the laughter at my half dead body.
I then smile and peak at her with one open eye. We started laughing as I said goodmorning to my sister. She sat beside my nightstand and asked,
"How'd you sleep?".
"Great and you?" I answered.
"Ehhh could've been better" she replied.
This is the normal routine for us. My sister who is one year younger than me. Wakes me up in the morning and we just talk about random things while I shower and get ready. Her school starts an hour after mine, that's why she takes her sweet time. Oh and if you haven't already realized we're extremely close. I tell her everything about everything and she keeps my secrets. I keep all hers and she keeps all mine. That's the kind of bond we have. If she ever needs advice or help and doesn't wanna ask momma she knows I'm always #2.
"Soooo.." she said smirking.
"What?" I asked as I was buttoning up my school shirt.
"Your going to Nekoma right? I don't know why you transferred schools after your first year. The boys there were super hot" She said holding her self and bleeding from the nose.
I smack her head.
"Your to damn young for them. If it wasn't for me and momma I think you'd already be pregnant." I said annoyed.
"Oh shush. I'm not that reckless"
*flashed back to all the times she's been reckless*
"Okay I'm not that reckless anymore :)"
"Uhuh sure" I said slyly.
"Girlssss breakfast is ready" our mom yelled.
"Coming" we said simultaneously.
As we went downstairs and ate, my mom asked am I actually going to be okay starting this school year.
"Yea momma I'll be fine. Remember Kamila is already at Nekoma. So it shouldn't be hard to settle down."
"Ah your right. Well, be safe honey. I'll be waiting for you when you come home." she said cheerfully.
"I know mama. Love you. See you later brat" I said putting my dishes in the sink and walking out the door.
As I was walking the 10 minute walk to my school I had seen Kamila in a nearby cafe. I rushed inside and hugged her. She hugged back and we did out little handshake that ended in a hip bump.
"Ooouuu look at you looking THICK" she said checking me out.
"Who me?" I said turning around and showing the JATTT.
We laughed as the person behind the counter stared in confusion. We both got ice coffee's and headed to school. I went to the office and Kamila walked behind to see if I was in the same class as her. To our suprise, we was in the same class. We squealed like little girls.
"Yayyyy your in class 2-3 with mee" She said cheerfully hugging me as we walked.
I smiled as we threw our coffees in a nearby trash bin, and headed to class. Now I was the shy type. I don't like talking in front of a big crowd. And that's exactly what I had to do.
"Oh I think I forgot my pencil case at the office. Let me go get it-"
"Oh no you don't." Kamila said while pushing me towards the class door. "You didn't even take out your pencil case".
We arrived in front of our class room door and Kamila swung it open and said Goodmorning.
I stood behind her peering from the side as she walked in.
"Hello ! Are you in our class" the teacher excitingly asked.
I moved from around Kamila and and stood in the door way as I shook my head.
"Come on in. I'm miss Shimizu. And you are?"
"I'm L/N Y/N" I said quietly.
"You can take the seat there right next to Kamila."
I thanked the heavens 
"Oh wait sorry. That seat is taken. You can sit next to Kenma Kozume" she said apologetically.
Well at least Kamila is still in front of me I thought. I hurried over to my seat as class started. We had a 2 part class today so I got bored and pulled out my game. As I was playing I could feel eyes lingering over me. I look over and see. What was his name?? Oh yea Kenma staring at me intensely. I had been looking away for a while and could hear,
"You lose"
Coming from my device.
"Aw man" I say quietly.
"Sorry" he said. "I just love that game too".
"Oh ? You like playing games?" I asked curiously.
"Yea" he said shyly not making eye contact with me.
"I'm Y/N by the way if you'd fogotten" I said quietly.
"I didn't forget. I'm Kenma" he said while looking at his desk.
"Heyoooo" Kamila says while looking back at me.
"Hiyaaaa" I said while smiling.
It's like my whole demeanor changes when I'm talking to Kamila. I feel ✨comfy✨with her.
"I see you were talking to Kenma. Surprising though. He rarely talks to anyone. He doesn't even look at anyone directly. GO YOU" she said high-fiving me.
I smiled and then turned my attention back to Kenma. I'm guessing he feels me staring at him and starts fiddling with his fingers.
"Do you want to play?" I say handing him my game.
"Are you sure?" he asked.
"Yea you seem bored".
He gives a small smile and starts playing. he beats the level I've been stuck on for days.
"H-How?" I said quietly.
"Uh sorry did you what you beat it?" he asked with his head down looking at the paused screen.
"No. That's okay" I said smiling softly at him.
Our teacher then comes back in and continues the other half of the lesson.

-Time Skip Lunch-

"Y/N!! We're sitting together at lunch. Idc" Kamila said.
"I know I know" I said laughing.
I turn over to glance at Kenma who was sitting looking out the window at his desk. Hmmm that's no fun.
"Kenma" I said while tapping his shoulder. Startling him a bit.
He looked at me and then looked down at the floor.
"Yea?" he said.
"Wanna come sit with me and Kamila on the roof and eat lunch?" I asked smiling at him.
He looked back up to me and seen my smile. He looked away face turning a bit pinkish but didn't say anything.
"I'll let you play my game :)" I said slyly.
"Heh. Don't use his weakness Y/N" Kamila snickered.
He then looked at me dead in the eyes. Got up and grabbed his bento, and dragged me and Kamila out the classroom door and up to the roof.
Me and Kamila looked at each other and laughed under our breaths.
Once we made it up on the roof Kenma sat on the floor and pulled out his bento.
"Uh Y/N. Where is your backpack?" Kamila whispered in my ear.
I stood in my tracks and looked at Kenma with puppy dog eyes. But before I can even apologize.
"I know you left your bag. It was on your chair." He said putting rice into his mouth.
"T-Then why didn't you tell me ? And still came?" I asked.
"N-No reason" he said turning his head away from me and Kamila.
I sat next to him on the floor and Kamila joined us. We talked about hobbies and stuff we've been doing recently. And by we I mean Kamila and I.
"Kenma" I say. "Did you dye your hair?" I asked while touching it.
"Yea. I did it to not stand out" he replied sitting with his knees tucked to his chest.
"It's so cute" I said examining it.
"Yea it really suits your head" Kamila stated.
"Thank you" he said burying his flushed face in his knees.
*In Kamila and Y/N's head*
Lunch ended and we went back to our remaining classes.
-Time Skip Heading Home-

"Kamila we're walking home together right?" I asked while packing my school books.
"Yea of course." she replied standing by the door.
Me and Kamila lived a house away from each other. So basically it's a house in between our houses.
We walked out the school and in the direction of our homes. Halfway there we seen Kenma walking the same route as us. We thought nothing of it. But once we all reached our destinations. We realized...
"Oi! You live there?" Kamila asked.
"Yea. I had no idea you guys lived here though" Kenma replied.
"Kamila you know what this means don't you?" I asked.
"Yes I know all to well" she said in a serious tone.
"WE GET TO WALK TO SCHOOL TOGETHER" we shouted happily in unison.
Kenma was startled but calmed down quickly.
"So?" I asked.
"You gonna walk with us?" Kamila finished.
"Yea sure. I guess" Kenma said nonchalantly while looking at his doorknob.
"Yayyyyy" me and Kamila said while smiling.
"Well goodnight you guys." Kamila said walking into her house.
"Bye Kenma" I said while waving and walking in my house.
Kenma waved goodbye and walked in himself.

*Lemon🍋*  Kenma x Black Reader (finished)Where stories live. Discover now