second letter: ivy grace

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Dear Ivy Grace,

Hi there! Still remember me? Well probably not. We don't have that many memories because we only met during our fourth grade. We were classmates and our chairs were quite close to each other so that's how we became friends. We used to be partners at a time and I considered you my friend. I also remembered when I invited you to join our bible study sessions. Your ribbon of award is still with me. You were the 'most behaved'. I didn't see you so I kept it.

So, anyway, how are you? You must've live a good life now, right? Yeah, probably. Well, I'm sorry for everything and thank you. I'm keeping this short because I don't want to miss everyone and reminisce again. Please take care of yourself. Also, say hi to everyone for me. Thanks for being a part of my life. I will remember you.



Hello to you, friend
Please remember the moments
We shared together

I will cherish it
And until we meet again
You'll be remembered

Letters to a FriendDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora