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Chapter twenty nine
Good bye for now

Sleeping just wasn't an option last night. I look at myself in the mirror, I looked physically weak. I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry all night long. I pulled out a box from my closet and started to throw my clothes in. I looked over at the dress Katya bought me, it laid sprawled out on the floor aka where I had taken it off last night. I grab it and sigh, throwing it in my box.

I hear a soft knock on my door. "Yes? " "It's me. " I hear adore speak. I open the door. Adore walks in with a sad expression. She hands me two new boxes. "I just thought you'd need them..and I uh.." Adore shuffled on her feet. She the pushed the boxes away from me and brought me into a tight hug.

She sobbed into my chest. I hugged her just as tightly but didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say. Adore pulled away and sniffled as she wiped her eyes. "Y— you think one day we'll have a reunion? " She asks with a small chuckle. I smile and nod. "Of course we will. "

Adore picks up the boxes and sets them on my bed. "I should go. " She then leaves. I turn back to my wardrobe and finish packing my clothes. I take down my posters and all the little pictures I had of everyone this summer. I slip the photos in the slightly small box, along with my makeup and tiny stuff like lights and earrings.

I shut the box and open another one, packing otherthings. I continue this until my room is empty. I sit in the middle of my bed looking at the bare walls. I rub my eyes as soon as I feel fresh tears spring up. Adores mother walks into my room. "She'll be here in fifteen. " I nod and she leaves.

I play on my phone to distract myself. I don't want to think about leaving the girls, leaving behind people that have cared for me for so long. Adore..pearl.. Brianna..blair. Even aqauria and her friends. And especially Katya, I feel more tears start to build up but just let them fall.

I pull my hair up into a pony tail and stuff my phone in my back pocket. I look around once more and notice I dropped a photo. I grab it. It's a photo of everyone. I bite my lip and lightly push the photo into my back pocket. I hear a car pull into the drive way.

I intake a heavy breath as I hear the front door open and feet pound up the steps. I look to the door way and expect to see my mother, I'm wrong. It's the others. I immediately stand and run to them. I pull them all into a hug as I sob. Pearl pats my back. "Aqauria and the others are outside."  I look up instantly.

"Is Katya with them? " Pearl states for a moment before slowly shaking her head. I look down. Blair grips onto me. "I still can't believe your leaving. I'm going to miss you so much. " She pouts. I pull her into a soft hug. Brianna wipes repeatedly at her eyes. I smile softly.

"I'm not crying so don't even think that. My eyes are sweating profusely. " She defends. The girls and I laugh. She wipes away her tears with a grin. "I will miss you though. Promise to call? "

"Of course, I'll call you guys all the time. Do you mind helping me get the boxes downstairs? " I ask pointing at the boxes. The girls nod and walk up, each grabbing a box. I'm left the lightest one. We all decend down the steps. I walk outside and set my box with the others. I see aqaurias group and walk over.

"Hey.." I breath. Aqauria hugs me. "I can't put into words how much I'll miss you. " She muffles. The others nod in agreement. " Your such a great person Trixie, I hope I see you again one day. " Aja comments. Farrah sobs into her shoulder. " So where is Katya. "

"At the house. We went up to get her but her door was locked and she wouldn't answer us. " I go to speak but then a car rolls into the drive way. It parks and the trunk pops open. Out comes my mom. I walk over and give her a small hug. "You can put the boxes in the trunk. " I nod and grab a box.

The others do two and we all put the boxes away. I slam the trunk shop and stare at my friends. " I.." I look down. "We love you trix. And we'll see you soon. " I smile and nod before climbing into the passenger seat.

My mom starts the car. I put my window down and stick my hand out, waving softly to the others. My mother starts to pull out of the drive way. I look in the rear view mirror and furrow my brows as I see something approaching us. "Wait! " It's Katya. I open my door despite my mother's yells.

I stumble out and run towards her. Katya and I crash into each other in a hug. Katya grips onto me and she looks up at me and kisses me so hard that I nearly fall over. "Your late.. " I chuckle when we break apart. Katya smiles. "I'm always late. " Katya smirks pressing another kiss against my lips.

I hold onto her tightly. Finally Katya breaks apart from me. "Trixie..i love you. " Katya sighs constantly. I widen my eyes. "You.. Love me..? " Katya nods softly. I feel a small beam form on my face. "I love you too." I giggle. Katya smiles and rests her head against me. My mother beeps the horn, immediately breaking us apart.

"Right uh.." I grab katya's hand and we walk back over to the drive way. "Sorry for holding you up Ms. Mattel. " My mother sighs and rubs her head. "And who are you supposed to be? " She asks with a stressed yet confused tone.

"Katya is my girlfriend. " I speak. Katya nods in a giddy fashion. My mother stares for a moment. "Okay..uh can I have my daughter back yet? " Katya smiles and nods. I kiss her one last time before walking back to my door.

"Call me everyday okay? " Katya smirks. I nod. "Bye..i love you.." I say quietly. Katya nods. "I love you too. Be safe. I'll see you again one day. " Katya then walks back tot he group of girls. They all wave goodbye as my mother drives us father and farther away.

I pull out my phone and immediately call Katya. She answers. "Miss me?" She asks with a chuckle. "Of course, idiot. " I chuckle. "I miss you too. Can't wait to see you soon. " I nod even though she can't see me. "Yeah, soon. "


And that's a wrap! The book is done! I have to say thank you so fucking much for supporting my book. I didn't expect to have so many daily readers and so many views. You guys are so fucking cool.

I love you guys so much and I can't thank you enough for supporting me.

That's all for now babes❤ good bye!

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