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Chapter twenty two
A million thoughts running per minute (that's a long ass title)

I sighed as I looked out of my window and saw the sun peeking through. I hadn't gotten any sleep last night. Daniels words rang through my head and I may have questioned my friendship with the others. I know I shouldn't have but we've had so many falling outs..its hard not to wonder.

Whatever. Grabbing my towel and such I walk over to my door and open it. I then walk to the bathroom and wash my face quickly. Then I get a quick shower. I walk to my room and dry off quickly. I get dressed, aka I put on my overall shorts and a basic pink t-shirt.

I slip on my socks and then my vans. As soon as I pull my hair up I hear a knock from my door. I sigh and open it. It's adores mom. "Oh good morning ms.delano " I say sweetly. "Good morning Trixie, km preparing breakfast right now so can you please wake adore. " I nod and she walks off.

I walk to my dresser and grab my phone and wallet, slipping them into my back pocket. I then walk over to adores room and forcefully bang on the door. "Jesus mom I'm up! " I hear her yell, though it's muffled. I hear a thud and then a loud sigh. Suddenly the door opens. "God you didnt have to- oh hey trix. " Adore smiles like nothing happened.

I smile softly. "Your moms making breakfast right now. She told me to wake you up. Adore nods and walks over to her closet. She take soft her shirt to change. I turn. " Trixie seriously? We're like practically sisters now. " I shrug. "I'm being respectful you dumb whore."

"Aw already being respectful to Katya? You guys sure areoving quick. " Adore comments with small grunts, she must be getting on her pants. I furrow my brows. "What? No. I'm just- wait do you think we're moving fast? " I turn to look at her. She slips a shirt on. Adore shrugs. " It took me and Bianca weeks before we actually went on a date, " Adore walked over to me. "Then again biancas older so. "

Adore walks past me and leaves the room. I frown and follow her. We walk downstairs and sit in the living room for a bit before adores mom calls us out to the kitchen. I play with my fork for a few minutes before pushing away my plate. "Thanks for the food Ms. Delano but I think I'm going to go on a walk. " I leave the table and walk outside. The sun beats down on me as I walk down the paved sidewalk.

I pull out my phone to see a message from adore.

Adore🍕; you okay? You didn't even touch your food.

I turn my phone off and stuff it back in my back pocket. It buzzes again but I choose to ignore it. I walk along the paved path and find myself in front of aqaurias house. I look at it, trying to decide whether or not to go in. I soon decide not to go up to it an instead walk down the street.

My legs begin to hurt after a while so I look to see if there are any places where I could rest for a minute. I see the seven eleven Katya took me too and jog up to it. Entering the front door I sigh as the cool air hits my face.

"You better be paying! " I hear laughter erupting from the isle beside me. I decide to be a snooping whore and peak around the corner. I then fully walk out. "Brianna? " Bring turns and waves. "Hey trix! What are you doing here? " Aqauria comes up beside here.

"I was just..walking by and decided to come in." I lie. Brianna smiles. "I heard you went on a date with Katya last night, how was it? " Aqauria asks sipping a shake. "It was fine, say Bri can I snag you for a moment? " Brianna nods and hands aqauria her snacks. I pull her to the corner of the store.

"What's up? " I sigh and rub my head. "I don't know. I was on my dream with Katya and then I ran into daniel-" "You ran into Daniel?!? " Brianna shrieks. I shush her and nod. "What is he here?" Brianna asks.

I shrug. "I don't know! But he was talking to me and he made me think such horrible things..and now I can't get them out of myhead, it's so frustrating. I literally walked out of breakfast this morning. " I sigh.

Bri rubs my arm. "Come on Trixie, you know nothing he said was true. He's just trying to manipulate you into thinking those things. If you want you can hang out with me and aqauria, we're head to her house soon. "

"Aren't you guys on a date? " I ask. Bri shakes her head. "Me and aqauria are just hanging right now. We were both bored so-" Bri shrugs. I nod and follow her back over to aqauria. "Trixie are you coming with us?" Aqauria questioned with a smile. I nod once more.

"Fun! We should play Mario Party! I'll ask one of the others to be our plus one. By the way, love the outfit. " Aqauria states pointing at my overalls. I look down at them. "I don't really like them, they show a lot of my legs. I don't even know why I put them on. " I chuckled looking down at my exposed legs.

Aqauria shrugged and we left the store, paying for the snacks first of course. We walked back to aqaurias house and entered. I walked over to the couch and sat down. Aqauria set down her milkshake and walked over to the stairs. She cleared her throat.

"One of you goddamn sluts get down here right now!!! I need a plus one for Mario Party! " She screams. I jump at her loudness and look over at Bri who muffled her laughter and sticks a chocolate bar in her mouth. I look back over at the stairs and see aja shuffle down.

"You woke farrah. Good luck getting her back to sleep. " Aja rubbed her head and walked over to the couch  flopping down next to me.

"I want the blue controller. " Bri called. "I want the red. " Aja stated.

"I'll take the green and Trixie you'll get purple. " I nod and take my respected controller. We soon start the game.


Shitty chapter, might be another pushed out later

summer lovin ::: trixyaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя