His Life: At 30

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I met a girl. She seems different, and I like that. She's beautiful, and I don't know how I got so lucky to have her. Faith, Faith, Faith. I can't stop saying her name. It rolls right out my mouth; it sets my mind on fire. Faith. She gives me faith.

I got a new job, one that I enjoy. I quit my old one, flipping everyone off as I walked out of that door and into the next chapter. Everyone, there could all kiss my ass.

I'm trying to quit drinking; it's hard, but I've been sober for almost two years now. Faith is helping me with it. I took her back home to Mom, who seemed happy now that I was back on my feet. I miss her. She's getting so old and so fast.

I started to play my guitar again. I played it in front of Faith, who was as happy as ever to hear me play.

I feel happy now, and I want it to stay like this. I want to freeze time. Everything is perfect; let it stay perfect. Please.

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