I heard Johnny call from inside. "Dude, gross - stop hitting on her! She's like my little sister."

Sil defeatedly reentered the room, and I followed.

"Little sister? Johnny, we're the same age!"

"I'm older."

"Yeah, by like two months." He walked me over to the far end of the room, away from Sil.

"It matters." He replied. "Anyway, how's Harry?"

"He's... doing good. Things are kind of weird between us though. No matter how much I try, I can't forget the past few days. I know it wasn't him doing all those things, but it's hard when it technically was."

"Here, do something for me. Close your eyes." I played along. "Now think back to the day you were on the phone with me, after you took Harry to the Enchanted Wood. Pretend that was the last time you saw him, and today you're just picking up where you left off that night."

I guess none of what Lydia made him do was even remotely his fault. It doesn't make sense for us to be fighting - we should be making up for the lost time. "Thanks, Johnny - I swear, you should look into therapy, you're great at it." My phone buzzed.

It was Ben sending me the surveillance video of Lydia's cell. "This is actually why I came to you. I thought we could look at this and identify a so-called figure who enters and magically takes Lydia away. Wait - I forgot to tell you guys this! I'll let the others know later, but I found out how Coy connects to Lydia. They aren't dating, they're siblings! Coy is Lydia's older brother."

"Wait, for real? That's crazy - he never told either James or I who his parents were. I wonder why he was let out of the tower but Lydia wasn't..."

"It's odd. Here, look at this." We both peeped into my phone. The first half of the clip was just Lydia sitting around in her cell - brushing through her hair with her fingers. Then, a bright light filled the room and a male flickered for a moment, and then they both disappeared.

It seemed like Coy, but I didn't know him well enough to be sure. "So? Do you think it's him?"

"Without a doubt - but look at this." He speed-scrolled back to the second Coy appeared. "The light isn't just random, it's coming from his hands, see?"

"You're right. How does it change anything though? Couldn't he just have some sort of magic potion or object that helped?"

"No, he's not holding anything, or wearing a piece of jewelry which might have given him powers. It's coming from him - he's a source."

I stared at him, waiting for an explanation of the implications of this.

"This means we're no longer dealing with just one person who possesses magic, we're dealing with two."

I filled in the blank. "Outnumbering us 2:1."

I messaged Ben about Coy being the one in the cell, and then headed out. I needed some time to gather my thoughts, so I went to sit out in the indoor garden alone for a while. Two people who seem quite skilled in the art of magic, versus one who barely knows how to activate it. On top of that, I'm scared that things with Harry and I will never return to how it was before. 

[This is "Just for a Moment" from HSMTMTS - with some changed lyrics. (I love this song sm!)]

{(Y/N) is in the garden}

{Harry is in the infirmary room (C.J and Uma left to give him some space)}

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