Chapter six

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Izuku pov~ I was once again woken up by my boyfriend riding me. This last month all he's wanted is to fuck me not that I don't like it. It's just been way to much sex. After I came in him for the sixth time he came off of me.

"Babe what's going on with you this last month" I asked him with concern laced in my voice. He looked down with tears in his eyes "I don't know Izu for the last month and a half all I've wanted to do is have sex with you. And I've been craving some pretty weird foods. And I'm pretty sure I've gained a few pounds. Not only that I think I'm going crazy because I've been hearing the puppies talk" he said crying into my chest

"Awe baby how about we go to recovery girl so she can check out what's wrong with you. And hearing the puppies talk is totally normal" I said rubbing his back he pushed my chest and looked up "Izu hearing the puppies talk is not normal so stop making fun of me" he said with a pout "I hear them talk all the time how do you think I always know what they want" I asked confused

"I always though that you were always guessing" he said "oh I don't think I've mentioned this to you but because of my quirk I am able to communicate with animals well more like dogs, foxes, and wolves" I said "why didn't you tell me before so how am I able to hear them"he asked confused "well since I marked you as my mate you gained the traits also. All your senses should've enhanced also like mine and your strength should've had an increase also" I said

"Yeah they increased but I didn't pay any mind to them" he said "okay how about we go take a nice bubble bath then I'll make you something to eat" I said and he had a big smile on his face "oh can you make me chocolate, vanilla and strawberry creeps, with blueberry waffles with whip cream and hot sauce and ice cream topped with hot sauce" he said with stars in his eyes

At the sound of hot sauce I cringed "what ever you want baby" I said picking him up and heading into the bathroom. As soon as we entered he headed to the toilet to throw up. I went over and rubbed his back. He spent an hour throwing up. And we only had about an hour and a half to get ready before school started.

When he was done I handed him a bottle of water which he gladly took. Then we showered and got dressed. After that we headed downstairs to the common room(they got the dorms the day before. Most of the teachers were being stubborn about getting them) the entire class was downstairs deciding on what they wanted for breakfast.

I just headed into the kitchen and made what kat wanted and made some for the class. But I didn't add hot sauce to their waffles and I didn't give them ice cream either.

"Deku what do you think we should have for breakfast" Ura said looking up from Shotō's grip because she was about to attack Denki for suggesting cereal "oh I already made breakfast you can come get it if you want if not I'll just give them to someone else" I said taking a bite of my creeps

"When the he'll did you make breakfast" Sho asked "fifteen minutes ago" I said "thank you Izuku" Iida said "no problem" I said finishing up my food kat finished his up also. After I washed the dishes me and Kat headed to recovery girl.

"Please tell me one of you didn't break a bone" she said readying her cane "no we didn't break any bones but we did come here so Suki can get checked out" I said "why what's wrong" she asked then suki explained what has been going on with him these last few months

"Okay can you do me a favor and take of your shirt then lay on the bed" she told suki he nodded doing as she said "this might be a little cold" she said placing some goo on his stomach and he shivered then she placed this thing on him and we could see something moving "what's that" I said pointing to the screen

"That is your baby and it looks like there is two by the looks of it" she said "excuse me come again" I said because I'm pretty sure she just said kat was pregnant "Katsuki Bakugo is two months pregnant with twins and Izuku Midoriya you are the father" she said then she printed a picture of the ultrasound for us she gave us four. Then Kat put his things back on and we headed out.

As we were walking to class I heard whimpers coming from Kat "babe are you okay" I asked "are you mad at me"he asked with tears in his eyes "why would I be mad at you" I asked confused "because I got pregnant" he said whimpering "baby I'm not mad at you if anything your the one that should be mad because I never wore a condom or pulled out when we are having sex" I said

"But I never told you to wear a condom or pull out because I like the feeling of being filled up by you" he said with a slight blush "it doesn't matter who's fault it is I'm happy that your carrying a mini me and a mini you. I can't wait to be a father. And you'll make a great father also" I said "hmm I prefer mother because your my king and I wanna be your queen" he said with a big smile

"Hmm okay plus you were always my queen baby" I said leaning into kiss him and he gladly kissed back. After a few minutes we walked to class hand in hand. When we got to class we were met by a worried class along with a worried big three, present mic, midnight and Aizawa.

"Where the heck were you two Deku" Ura asked "we were in the nurses office getting Kat checked out" I said annoyed "what's wrong with bakugo" present mic asked sorta loudly "you want me to tell them or do you want to tell them" I asked "you can tell them" Kat said with a red face. I nodded handing present mic and midnight along with Ura and Mina a copy of the ultrasounds.

I placed soundproof headphones on my ears along with Kats Aizawa saw what we did and put his on also. "Katsuki Bakugo is pregnant" the four of them yelled shaking the whole room after about ten minutes everyone's ears stopped ringing.

"Wait so bakubro is pregnant" Kirishima asked "yeah"suki said looking down "I call being The Godfather" Kirishima said "no I will" the other guys said "then I wanna be the god mother" the girls stared to argue

"Stop arguing" I said in my leader voice which got them all to stop "okay good me and Kat will be the ones who will decide who will be the godparents and the rest of you can be aunts and uncles" I said causing them all to nod

"Okay with that settled can we go home now" Kat asked "I don't see why not" I said and teleported us back to our dorm room "so what do you want to do now" I asked sitting on the bed. Kat just smiled at me and pulled my pants down along with my boxers. Then he stripped off his clothes and took the rest of mine off and started ridding me with out any prep making the both of us moan out in pleasure.

"I wanna ride you until we both cum. Then you can fuck me senseless" he said "I'm not gonna fuck you senseless today babe I'm gonna make love to you" I said pulling him in a kiss and switching our positions making him lay on the bed "how does that sound" I asked kissing down his neck and leaving multiple love bites on his chest as his breath hitched "that sounds amazing" he whispered I nodded and continued to do what I was doing. I'm going to give my baby an amazing time as a thank you for being with me and having my baby. And for giving me a family. I'm going to show him just how much I love him.

End of chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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