"I call you it because it reminds me that I don't completely trust you since you are...that." Sam answers his question.

"If you didn't completely trust me, then you wouldn't have answered this call," Klaus says back, and Hayley can see the crooked smile he's most likely wearing. Sam rolls his eyes, and that's when Dean has had enough of him being the only one out of the loop. He snatches the phone from Sam and puts it on speaker.

"Hey, Klausie." Dean says sarcastically.

"Now that's a name I'd rather not be called." Klaus sighs.

"One-time thing, then," Dean shrugs.

"Once again, why're you calling?" Sam asks, as Hayley remains quiet.

"Since you two are together, I suppose you're attempting to dig further into the hopeless case of yours," Klaus states.

"Can't be hopeless if we already have loads of leads," Dean points out.

"Right. Is by, uh, any chance...Hayley with you?" Klaus asks slowly, almost hesitantly,

Immediately, Sam and Dean share a look and glance at Hayley afterwards. Hayley furrows her eyebrows at the look they shared, one which she can't read a meaning of.

"So that's what this is about?" Dean asks.

"Making sure Hayley's not in harm's way?" Sam finishes off with a low chuckle.

"Nonsense, it's just-"

"It's just-" Dean mocks.

"Look, I need to speak to her about something, alright? So if she is with you, I'd advise you to let her know she should drop by our home if you don't want my fangs sunk into your neck for the next time I decide to feed," Klaus threatens.

"Remember that we can kill you too so you don't really scare us," Sam says.

"For the hundredth time, you actually can't kill me. Or any of my siblings, for that matter." Klaus says and Dean scoffs. "Tell her." He says before cutting the line. Dean drops the phone and lets out a frustrated sigh.

"There's gotta be a way to kill him, am I the only one who wants to figure out how the hell we do it?" Dean looks at Sam.

"I might know a way," Hayley says with her arms crossed.

"Seriously? How?" Sam leans forward and Hayley laughs.

"There's no way in hell I'm telling you two."

"Why's that?" Dean turns his neck to look at her, fighting the urge to let himself become smitten for her just as Klaus is in the process of doing.

Hayley sighs, "He might be...Klaus, but he's still the father of my child. I'm not gonna let her grow up without one. Surely you two would understand." She looks at Dean and he looks away for a brief second. The more time Dean and Hayley spent together, the more they opened up to each other. And as much as Dean didn't want to trust a werewolf, he found himself telling her everything.

"Good point," Sam glances in between Hayley and Dean before clearing his throat, "Well, the father of the child has to talk to you so..." Sam gives her one last look before returning his gaze to his laptop.

"Yup, gathered that much, thanks," Hayley smirks at the younger Winchester before getting out of her seat and draping on her coat. "I'll see you guys later." She smiles at them, disappointed when Dean doesn't look back at her and instead crumples up the paper his burger was wrapped in. Shrugging her shoulders, she leaves the diner and begins striding back towards the plantation.

Klaus Mikaelson's Girl [klayley]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz