"It doesn't matter. It's out there and it's to the public. And just what you need Autumn, another thing to stain your record" the man sarcasticly hissed at the girl

I glanced in her direction to see her head hung low, she knew deep inside that her actions were destroying her career

"You know you're a talented actress, you didn't even have to audition for Christ sakes. They just gave you the role just like that but don't get it wrong, you could have it snatched away just like that" The man glared at her

"Oh. Oh really!?" she asked


"You know damn well it's you that need me and not the other way around. Get rid of me, go ahead. I'd love to see you manage to get someone to replace me for this movie" Autumn hissed



"No. Don't you dare try to tell me that I'm replaceable when you know for a fact that this whole set could be shut down with one goddamned call" She hissed

"You're way out of your leagues here Ms Hester, I suggest you calm down and use your words wisely" May said sternly

"Calm down. Sure" Autumn mumbled

"I swear something's wrong with that girl" The man said

My eyes went wide when I had heard his words, I glanced at Autumn to see if she had heard. Her head hanging low and her piercing blue eyes into his skull gave me my answer. But she stayed silent, for once

"Well she's the one that hit me in the first place" Autumn scoffed

Wait.. Did she really just- oh hell no

"Excuse me?" I asked

"Well. You did" She shrugged, my eyes narrowed towards the girl

Was she really going to start this right now, if you're dealing with your own damn shit, don't bring me into it

"Okay listen here-" I started but was cut off

"What. What are you gonna do? Apologize me to death!?" She hissed, my jaw immediately dropped

"Why you piece of sh-"

"What? What were you going to say?" she asked

"A piece of shit. I was going to say that you're a piece of shit! But you wouldn't let me complete my sentence because you're afraid of me bruising your damn EGO"

"You? Bruise me? I wish" She spat

"Oh you wish? You WISH!? I'D BRUISE YOU RIGHT NOW" I hissed

Actually that's a lie, I could do into battle with an ant and still lose but I wasn't going to let her get away with this.

Call it petty or call it ridiculous, I truly didn't care in this moment.

"Bring it!" Autumn hissed as she shoved her chair back, standing to her feet

I scoffed and stood tall, knowing damn well I can't fight but I was being a petty ass just to prove a point

"OKAY THAT'S ENOUGH" May yelled, causing our heads to turn in her direction

"You two have been a pain in my ass since the first day and I am sick and tired of it" May said

"So-sorry" I mumbled

"No, don't apologize. I get that Autumn is a heat headed person and she triggers the life out of some people so believe me, I get it. But that's not the point. The point is you both are acting like children and this is a business. You're actors for heavens sake, you're going to be debuting in the next few months and this is the work environment you'll be in?" She asked

"Wilson is being a cunt" Autumn shrugged

"And you're being a class 'A' BITCH" I hissed

"Oh for fuck sakes" The director rubbed his temples

"YOU" May hissed as she pointed at me

"Me?" I asked

"Yes you. Stop letting her get to you. I get that you want to stand up for yourself but is it really worth it to argue non stop with her knowing she won't give the right reaction? Stop pushing it and judge drop it Kate. It's really not worth it to argue with her all day" May said

I guess that made sense.

"and you. For fuck sakes Autumn, GET IT TOGETHER" May hissed

"I'm sorry-" Autumn mumbled. I furrowed my brows at her, it was the first I'd ever heard her apologize to anyone

"No. You're not. Leave the poor girl alone! She's done nothing but be nice, you can't always get your way Autumn. It pays to be bitchy and angry, it gives zero effort to be nice! Say a fucking 'good morning' or a 'hello' when you greet someone. You fail to realize that everyone works as a job, they get paid to do what they do and it's hard enough having people breathe down your necks. Then you come in just making their lives fucking harder with your bitchy tone, blame games and don't even get me started on hooking up with my SECRETARY" May yelled

Oh... Oh my

"Kate, you need to learn how to let things go. You're a really nice person, you are but this is a tough industry and it'll rip you to shred if you're easily offended or pissed off at everything. And you Autumn, you need to get your fucking anger under control because it's getting too damn ridiculous, you need to learn how to be fucking respectful and realize that you don't own the goddamned world. You two have chemistry, I've seen it. You work together like freaking batteries and a clock when you're on set. But off camera it's HELL ON EARTH" May yelled again

I honestly felt bad, I sunk into my chair with my head down like a small child who had been caught stealing. Guilt was written all over my face. This was way more important than I'd ever thought, us arguing for stupid reasons costed us set time last week and last night stained our names.

Autumn hunched over in her seat, her eyes burning holes into the carpet floor, tapping her feet every few seconds

"This needs to stop" May said

"And how do you propose a plan?" Autumn asked

May gave a devilish smile, the type I've never seen on her before and it was started to freak me out

"You're really not gonna like it but you don't have a choice" May said

Oh no.


"I want you two to know each other, I want you two to know each other inside and out, be with each other all day and learn everything there is to know. I want birthdays, family history. I don't care what it takes. These characters you're playing are bestfriends, they'll know every single thing about each other the way bestfriends should, the time they wake from bed to the time they shower at nights. You two are far from bestfriends right now which is exactly why I want you two to get this done" May smiled

"You'll be living with each other for the next eight months"

Quiet On Set (GirlxGirl) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz