Chapter 2

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"So where are you taking me Black?" "Why a tour of course Prince, you got to know the facility you're in so that you can easily hide from people whenever you want to be alone" Roman stared incredulously at Virgil. "You have major problems Black" "Tell me something I don't know" Roman fondly rolled his eyes. After a leisurely stroll around the camp the pair of them ended up in the camp's health wing. The health wing was relatively big, with one lobby area splitting off into two separate corridors. "The one on the left," Virgil pointed to the corridor in question. "Is physical health, it's where all the injured soldiers will go and the one on the right is mental health." "They have therapists here?" "Of course, war does crazy things to your head, I should know, anyway the two chief doctors are Em— oh they're right there!" Virgil pointed over to where three people were idly chatting. Upon being spotted, an eccentric man in a light blue polo beckoned them over. "Hiya Virge!" The one in the light blue polo said. "Who's your friend?" Virgil looked very uncomfortable being put in the spotlight but nevertheless he continued, "Pat, meet Sergeant Roman Prince, my theater and Disney loving roommate. Roman this is Doctor Patton Hart, the lead Doctor for the physical side of the things and Doctor Emile Picani, the head therapist here." "Nice to meet you Roman!" Patton responded. "Do you how do?" Emile giddily asked. "Am good I, you?" Roman quickly responded. Emile's smile seemed to brightened, which Roman originally thought impossible. "It's official V! I like him! I'm so proud your making friends!" Virgil groaned while Patton just laughed. The mysterious third figure seemed to be holding in a smile. "I'll tell you a secret Roman," Patton said smiling. "The two of us both love," "CARTOONS" Patton and Emile said simultaneously. "Or anything animated, Steven Universe was a personal favorite of mine" Emile chirped. "It sure was a GEM!" Patton exclaimed. The four of them started laughing while the unknown person groaned. "That is an obvious fact to anyone who knows either of you. I honestly do not know why I continue to associate with you two." "Awwww come on Logie you know you love us" Patton elbowed 'Logie'. "Yeah, you know we're the best of the best!" Emile said laughing. "And that is something that baffles me everyday, but it is, regardless, somehow true" "Ye of little faith," Patton chuckled. "Virgil, Roman, meet our childhood friend Logan." "A pleasure to meet you, Sergeants" "The pleasure is all my Logan," Roman grandly responded with Virgil shyly mumbling "likewise". "Say Logan, that's the same name as the GA right! How does it feel to share a name?" Emile, Patton, and Logan seemed to be holding in a laugh at that but just as Emile went to say something Logan dismissed his thought with a wave of his hand. "Why, I would say pretty good, I do like the name" "Isn't the General of the Army around our age too?" Virgil asked? "Oh is he?" "I hear he's 40" Logan chimed in. "Isn't that a little young to be given that position? Surely there's more experienced people to lead us." Roman added. Patton and Emile stiffened at that but Logan's eyes held a hidden mirth. "Oh I think he's plenty experienced" Logan said. "Yeah but how can someone that young lead us to victory? Isn't that like an old person's job?" "The stereotype that elderly people hold more wisdom is, albeit a nice sentiment, not true. The GA is known to be an expert strategist and is said to have knowledge beyond his years. This does, perhaps, make m— him a bit jaded but I reckon that being prepared for every outcome is a good thing during a war, especially this one. Wouldn't you agree, Sergeant?" Nodding in agreement Roman sheepishly replied, "I guess you're right Logan, I shouldn't have doubted him." Logan chuckled, "you're not the first Roman and I'm sure you won't be the last," Emile and Patton seemed to let out a sigh. "Anyway I must be off but I'm positive I'll see you sooner rather than later" "We'll see you at the assembly for the GA!" Virgil shot back as Logan was heading for the door. Laughing under his breath Logan called out, "Oh you definitely will" and with that he was gone. "Soooooo" Patton drawled, "I take it you've never seen the GA?" "No why?" "Can't say I have." Virgil and Roman said. "No reason." Emile said cutting Patton off.

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