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After school I reached home going in sinc with my daily routine.

The day ended and I, as usual slept in my cozy bed peacefully.

The next day I woke up, got dressed and headded for the school. Today something was different. My gut told me that something was going to go wrong but without giving it much thought I proceeded.

As I reached the hall, Stella approached me with a smirk...
She is like the beauty queen who is stupid and bossy. She wants everyone to be under her. I HATE HER.
Ok...Usually she doesn't come after Something is definitely not right, my mind told me.

As she reached just infront of me she said..
"ooooooh! I know its hard!.. But dont worry you will get used to it"

"What are you talking about??" I asked.

Widening her eyes she made a dramatic expression..
"You didn't know?.. Oh well... Go to the Head master's office.. You will come to know" she winked at me and just left me hanging there.

What did she mean?.. Lets go and find out! ?.. I told myself.

I walked directly to our Head Master's office and knocked on the large doors.

I heard a small 'come in'. Taking that as my cue I entered the office. The office was very small with a medium sized wooden table and a chair. There was just a single window that opened to the outside.

I smiled at my Head Master and wished him a Good Morning.

"Good Morning dear.. I was expecting to see you" he said

Okay.. Now i am really interested..

"Okay.. What is it sir?" I asked.

"Uh.. I dont know how to break this news to you.. But.." He started shuffling through files placed on his table and at last handed me an envelope with a school symbol on it.

I took the envelope and looked at it weirdly.. What could be in there?

He asked me to open it. Slowly i peeled of the envelope and took out the paper present inside.

It read...

Mrs. Caroline Anderson,

   It is with deep regret that i would like to inform you that Ms. Andrea Anderson has been transferred to Wolferine School of Expertise due to some undertaking facility issues in this school.

As this issue is our's and very sudden, we will be providing you with a house for your stay. Please understand our situation and cooperate with us.

Head Master.

I couldn't believe my eyes! What was happening ???.. I read the letter again and again.. Even after 3 times of reading i still couldn't believe it.

Wolferine is an international school very well known. It was once my dream to go to that school but due to mom's workplace being near to this school.. She enrolled me here.

But.. But..

I cant just leave my present school behind.. I like this school... What is this facility issue?.

"How many of us are transferred?" I asked.

"Its just you my dear" He replied.

I stared at him.. I literally did stare at him.. What the hell???? Why only me?

"Why am I the only one to get transferred sir?!" I asked

"I'm sorry but the matter is confidential. If you could excuse me I have more work to complete. Do ask your Mom to call me to talk more upon this matter. Well, I will see you later then. Bye bye."
He simply said clearly not wanting me to ask more questions.

Without much choice I turned around and walked out the door..

Why only me? Facility issue? Why suddenly?. With many questions revolving in my mind, I made my way back to home.


What is all this?. Why a sudden transfer? Why only her?..
Lets find out in the next chapter!
Thanks for reading.. ;)
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