
23 2 2


I am woken up from my sweet sleep by the sound of a lock clicking somewhere in my home.

I place my arm above the fast beating of my heart and try to calm it down.

"All is well.. It's nothing... It's just mom comming back after her work.. Calm down.. " I wispered to myself.

Slowly my heart slows down to its normal rhythmic pattern. I give a sigh and get up from the bed.

I open my bedroom door and walk silently towards the kitchen from where I could here sounds.

Without entering I peek inside to see my mom trying to drink water from the bottle that's taken out of the fridge.

I watch as she sways lightly due to the alcohol in her system. She somehow manages to drink some water while spilling a large portion of it on the floor.

I close my eyes feeling sad..
"What have I done to receive such a punishment?" I asked myself.

I watch as she frowns a little at the pasta that I had placed on the dining table for her to eat. She swings her hand at it and the pasta goes flying hitting the cupboard and splashing everywhere.

I know that this would happen so I always use a plasting plate rather than a glass one. I just wanted to keep my hope up thinking that one day she would eat the food rather than throwing it. But I guess today is not that day..

I move away from that position and enter my bedroom as soon as I see her stumbling her way out of the kitchen to her room that's just past my room.

You might think why I dont help her.. Well its better to leave her herself rather than get beaten up to death..

There was once a time when I got beaten up soo bad that I thought I wouldnt survive to see the next day. But guess what? Karma had different ideas..

I watch her entering her room and close the room door. Taking it as my cue I open my door wide and walk towards the kitchen to clean up the mess created.

I take up a cloth and start scrubbing the pasta that has splashed almost everywhere . I clean up the water that got spilt on the floor. I make everything look spotless again.

Washing the cloth I keep it aside. I wash my hands too and walk out the kitchen to my room.

Closing the door I walk to my bed and climb on it. I lay there looking at the ceiling letting my mind wander around.

Slowly....and eventually I fall into that deep slumber of my past memories.. Wishing internally that I could have them back just once more..


I apologize for any mistakes that i have made in this chapter. I really hope that you liked it.. Do continue on :) . Thank you for your valuble support.

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