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Sabo tried to grab his brother as Ace made a mad dash to the house, Ember following up behind them chuckling,

"Ace don't you dare!" he tackles him, they stumble through the door and they start hitting at one another, rolling around on the floor as Ember comes into the house after them, "you're going to keep your mo..." the both of them freeze though as Luffy comes running into the hallway, at least most of him, his arm is stretched out back into the room,

"Let go old man!" Luffy yells back then spots his brothers,

"You get back in here brat!" Ace and Sabo both look at one another as they hear that voice.

"Guys! Help me?" Luffy whines, and as the good brothers they are, they bolt leaving their brother, "Traitors!" and a very confused Ember in the hallway.

"What are you two doing yoi?" both out of breath from legging it as fast as they could up the stairs, they turn and shush their older brother and press an ear to the door, Marco frowns at them, "Is there a reason you're acting shifty and in my room?"

"Gramps is here," Ace hisses at him and moves away from the door,

"So, you've taken to hiding in my room?" he shakes his head, "You think that's going to work yoi?"

"Better than dealing with him," Ace drops down onto Marco's bed beside him,

"I still feel the pain of his last visit," Sabo grunts and sits down in Marco's desk chair while rubbing his head, remembering the pain of what Garp affectionately calls his fist of love,

"Sure, make yourselves comfortable," Marco scowls sarcastically, both Ace and Sabo grin. Sabo's grin drops however when Ace turns to Marco,

"So, you'll never guess what,"

"Ace..." Sabo growls out,

"Sabo has a," he pauses briefly to use his feet against Sabo as the blonde launches of the chair to attack him, somewhat effectively keeping him away, "crush on girl who works at that bookshop on the high street, well, had worked there,"

"Oh?" Marco sits up and tosses the book aside, "Wait, why does that sound familiar yoi?"

"I don't and it's not familiar," Sabo hisses and yanks the raven-haired teen off the bed to the floor by the very feet that were being used to stop him trying to throttle his brother, Ace simply laughs,

"Last November, Koala mentioned," he grunts as Sabo punches him in the gut,

"Wait, I remember now, yoi!" Marco laughs, "What do you mean by had worked there?"

"Her boss was a jerk," Sabo scowls,

"So, you're admitting to the crush," Ace points out and instantly has to block another punch. The door slams open making them all jump and yelp,

"Ace! How could you leave your sweet little girlfriend all alone?" Thatch stands there, hands on hips, Embers quiet shout up the stairs telling him she heard the little comment makes him chuckle and it ruins the stern look he was trying to go for,

"Sabo has a crush!" Ace immediately tries to divert, Sabo groans as the eldest Newgate sibling turns to him with a wicked gleam in his eyes,

"Oh? What's their name, what are they like then?"

"Her name is," Ace rolls to his feet and away from Sabo to hide behind Thatch, "(Y/N), and Sabo totally got her fired from her job," now Sabo gapes at him,

"I did not! I was just protecting her from that asshole of a boss who was clearly abusive," he folds his arms, "I simply made a point and he didn't like it,"

"You said (Y/N)?" Thatch looks thoughtful and looks to Marco who also looks to be thinking,

"Isn't that the name of the girl Rosi recently took in yoi?"

"Yeah, we dropped her off home there," Ace perks, "Ember says she's Law's cousin,"

"Aww, Sabo has a crush on little (Y/N)? Now you have to be sweet to her, she's gone through a lot lately," Thatch says pointedly,

"You're making a mountain out of a molehill here, you're making it sound like I'm going to jump her of something," Sabo grumbles feeling his cheeks heat up a little, "and I never said I had a crush on her..."

"You don't need to yoi, your face says it all," Marco laughs. The teasing continued until the clearing of one's throat had them all whipping their heads to the door once again. Edward Newgate stood there looking disapprovingly at them,

"Is there a reason the four of you boys are up here while Miss Ember is downstairs with your brother entertaining our guest?"

"Is he really a guest though...?" Ace says after a moment,

"Boy, get downstairs now, he's your grandfather you should show some respect, you too Sabo," the pair groan but don't argue with him before shuffling slowly down the stairs,

"Hey Pops, I have had a great idea, we should do a thing this weekend, maybe a barbeque. As a welcoming gesture," Thatch's voice filters after them and Sabo tenses as Ace starts chuckling,

"Yeah, for the young girl Rosi has taken in yoi," Marco agrees. Sabo can just imagine the grins on his clearly plotting brothers,

"That's a wonderful idea," Newgate agrees, "but let's keep the numbers low, don't want to scare the poor girl." Ace nudges him as they reach the bottom of the stairs,

"Hey, maybe then you can actually ask her for her number," Ace ducks the swinging fist from Sabo but then they are both groaning in pain and holding their heads as Garp gives them his signature fist of love. 

A/N - Sorry this part isn't very long, I am currently working on the next part though so you may have more soon!

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