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A/N - I just realised I never put a picture on the last chapter 😮😫 I may go back and add one.... Anyhow, hope you enjoy this next part! 

You woke up the next morning with a pained groan, your arm and shoulder felt extremely stiff. That's what you get for not playing tennis in weeks. Having dropped out of the club at Redline not long after your parent's accident, not having the heart to play anymore as it had been something you enjoyed with your mother. As you head downstairs to sort some breakfast out while rolling your shoulder to try and loosen it up a bit you had to admit, it was kind of exhilarating to play again, and Nojiko was really good, it almost felt like going up against your old captain. You're snapped out of your thoughts as a hand grips your shoulder, you flick your gaze to Law who is silently focused on your shoulder and massaging it,

"You over exerted yourself yesterday," he comments bringing a small pout to your face which makes him smirk ever so slightly, he steps away over to the ridiculously well stocked medicine cupboard, which is basically first aid central in this house because Rosinante is constantly somehow hurting himself. He comes back with some pain killers handing them to you, "make sure to eat something proper,"

"Yes Doctor," you roll your eyes, he actually chuckles and ruffles your hair before leaving the kitchen and you in shock, what was that... he chuckled... you don't believe you have heard him laugh before, sure you had seen him smirk when amused at something his friends had done or said, or on the odd occasion with you, but to chuckle... was the world ending?

You were still in a state of shock when an hour later Shachi and Penguin turned up, Shachi waves a hand in front of your face pulling you from your trance, "Everything okay (Y/N)?" he asks,

"I think it might be the end of times," you whisper at them, Shachi's eyes widen, Penguin raises a brow,

"Why do you think that?" he asks while ruffling Bepo's fur,

"He laughed... well chuckled, but that's still a laugh," you continue to whisper, both boys look at one another then whisper back,

"Who?" before you can answer, the subject of your conversation walks into the kitchen,

"What are you three whispering about," he asks as he puts his signature hat on, the boys look at you as you give them a silent motion at your cousin and they crack up laughing.

Penguin is still chuckling when the four of you get to school, "It's not that funny," you huff embarrassed,

"Don't worry (Y/N)," Shachi gives you an amused smile, "even for us it's a rare occurrence," you both look to Law who is a few steps ahead of you, your school bag slung over his shoulder as he had refused to let you carry it.

"(Y/N)!" I voice calls out from behind, the four of you slow to a stop as you look back to see Sakura jogging towards you, behind her is Zoro and Sanji, at odds with one another as usual, and behind them with a weird look on his face is that green haired thuggish guy, you think his name Bartolomeo if your memory is right. Sakura gives you a hug as she gets to you, "how's your arm after yesterday?" she asks sheepishly,

"Oh, it's fine, don't worr-ack! Ow Law why did you do that?" you rub your head where he basically just judo chopped you,

"Don't lie (Y/N)-ya," he looks to Sakura, "she's strained her shoulder, maybe you can keep that captain of yours away from her so we can avoid further injury," he says sternly, you frown at him, he could be a little nicer to Sakura, it's not like she is the one to blame for your aching shoulder. Luckily the girl doesn't seem to be phased by his semi glare as she just salutes,

"On the honour of my sword, I vow to protect (Y/N) from the devil that is Nojiko," she grins, her words make your chuckle and turn to Law,

"Can I have my bag now? I'll head to class with these guys," you hold out your hand for it but Law's frown deepens,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2022 ⏰

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