Family and Friendship

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Tired, battered, frustrated. Being the school's famous nerdy fishbone meant that Hiccup could never walk the hallways without being shoved or kicked or jeered at. He wasn't just tired of it all, he was mentally exhausted. He worked hard to remain his post as the top student of his grade whilst putting up with his mental torture. Going home could've been a great way to escape, but not when your father has high expectations and disappointed with your appearance, and not having a mother to turn to.

To his son, Stoick didn't seem care about the fact that his son was the top student, and that all he wanted was for him to follow in his footsteps to become a professional rugby player. He spent most of his time comparing him to his brother's buff son, who was also Hiccup's biggest bully. Unfortunately, Snotlout enjoyed loathing and bullying Hiccup and reminding him how he was Stoick's dream child.

"Hey there laddie! What brings you here today... oh my what did you do to get those bruised eyes Hiccup?"

Without any friends, the only person Hiccup could ever turn to was his godfather Gobber who worked as a mechanic in a shop near Hiccup's school.

"Oh it's uh nothing. Nothing to worry about here Gobber," Hiccup replied as he took his books out of his bag and sat at a desk. His godfather, however, wasn't convinced.

"Was it that boy Snotlout again? You know you should really tell your father, he would be able to talk to his own brother about him."

Hiccup sighed. "Gobber, you don't understand. Dad probably favours that hunk of meat over me. I'm just a walking and talking tree with brains that don't seem to ever make him proud."

Gobber remained silent as Hiccup resumed his homework, muttering mathematical equations under his breath. The stout blonde man stared at the young teen at his desk, noticing his silent cry for help. He knew he had to save his one and only godson.

"Hey uh Hiccup, do you have any friends?"

"Of course not Gobber, no one wants a weakling like me as a friend. You're the only person I have to talk to," Hiccup said with a groan.

Gobber nodded silently to himself before leaving Hiccup in his office. As he returned to the front desk of his little shop, he dialled his close cousin's phone number with a story ready.


Two days later after school, Hiccup decided to walk straight home instead of stopping by Gobber's like usual. He had stayed up the previous night preparing for a dreaded presentation and was desperate for a nap. The moment he got home, however, he was surprised to find his father sitting in the living room reading a newspaper.

"Uh dad? What're you doing back right now?"

Stoick looked up from his newspaper to his son, a small smile forming on his lips. "Ah Hiccup, you're back. We need to talk." The enormous red head stood up and approached Hiccup in the hallway. He clapped a huge hand on the scrawny boy's back, making Hiccup grunt in pain. "Come, let's go to the kitchen. You can have your lunch as we talk."

Moments later, Hiccup was still in shock. For the first time in years his father was home for lunch and had prepared a sandwich for him. Normally he was busy working but this time Hiccup was caught by surprise. His mind was running through all the celebrations or occasions he might've forgotten.

As he began eating, Stoick finally spoke. "Son, why haven't you told me anything about what Snotlout has been doing to you?"

Hiccup choked a little on his food before swallowing quickly. "I uh sorry what? I mean I guess it must've slipped my mind," he said with a stutter.

Stoick sighed. "It's not something you would forget, Hiccup, and it has happened more than once. Seems to me that you've been hiding it, why?"

Hiccup avoided his father's gaze on him. For a moment silence hung between the two, neither spoke a word to each other. Hiccup took another bite of his sandwich and swallowed, his mind preparing to voice what he had been thinking all those years. "You seemed to be disappointed with the person I am while appearing to wish that he was your son instead of me, I guess I didn't want to steal that from you."

Hiccup's eyes remained fixated on his sandwich, forcing his mind to think about something else than his conversation with his dad. Suddenly, he felt a warm hand grasp his shoulder gently. He glanced at it for a moment before looking up at the other man in the room with him, eyes filled with sadness. "Hiccup," Stoick started. "I could never exchange a son like you for anyone else in the world, including your cousin. I am always proud of you, and you never cease to amaze me. You don't need the brawn when you have the brains and a heart of gold," he said as he patted Hiccup's chest with his fist gently. "I'm very proud of you, Hiccup, and no one has the right to hurt my one and only son."

Hiccup's eyes dropped back down to the table, nodding slowly to himself. "I'm sorry dad," he muttered.

"No son, I'm sorry I haven't been any good to you. Say, why don't the two of us head to the beach for the weekend?"

The young man looked up to his father's gleaming and comforting grin, returning it. "Sounds great, dad." A small yawn escaped his mouth as he swallowed the last of his sandwich. "Sorry, I really need to get some rest, you know, was up really late last night doing schoolwork."

Stoick nodded. "Oh but Hiccup, Gobber wants you to head to his store as soon as you're done, he has something for you. I'm sorry but your nap will have to wait." With a wink, he left Hiccup confused in the kitchen.

"Now what else did Gobber do this time..."

Moments later, Hiccup entered Gobber's shop and made his way to the office where he found the two-limbed man talking to two teens who appeared to be his age. Everyone turned to look at him, and when his eyes fell on the only girl in the room, he could've sworn his heart stopped for a moment. Astrid Hofferson, his all time crush. He instantly recognised the chubby teen next to her as well, Fishlegs Ingerman, her best friend and Hiccup's main competition in the fight for being the top student.

"Hey there lad! Come over and meet my nephew and his best friend, Fishlegs and Astrid," Gobber called to Hiccup, who approached the group cautiously. He felt Astrid's eyes boring into him, although he didn't know how so.

"Uh h-hi, I'm so sorry Gobber troubled you two to come here..." Hiccup started, but Fishlegs immediately cut him off.

"Oh it's no big deal! I've always wanted to meet you, though you seem very mysterious and I thought you preferred to be alone. It's so awesome to finally have a proper conversation with you," he practically squealed. Astrid elbowed him gently with a smirk before turning back to Hiccup.

"Yep, Fish is a huge fan of yours and always spends his lunchtimes watching you from across the canteen, contemplating the decision of talking to you," she snickered as Fishlegs groaned in embarrassment. She stuck out a hand to Hiccup. "I'm Astrid, by the way."

Hiccup gave them both a sheepish grin before sneaking a moment to raise a brow at Gobber. The stout man stroked his beard thoughtfully before nudging him. "Anything for you, lad, you're both a friend and also family to me, and I want to do the best I can to help you."

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