Under the Apple Tree

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Five-year-old Hayden Haddock ran over to his neighbour and best friend's house in excitement, barely able to contain his happiness to play with her after a long and boring day at daycare. He knocked on the front door rapidly with a small blue flower in one hand. The door swung open and the beaming smile of Astrid's mom gazed down on him, greeting him with her gentle motherly voice, something he never heard from his own household.

Moments later his best friend came running from the kitchen, hugging onto her mother's leg when she reached the door. Her mother pushed her gently out the door and reminded them not to leave the house compound before walking back into the kitchen. Hayden presented his flower to her, saying shyly "you love blue Astrid, I found this blue flower and I thought you would love it."

She accepted the flower with a grin and the two children run to the backyard, where they played with anything around them, from ants to the water sprinkler. As they grew tired, they sat together underneath an apple tree, where Hayden pulled out a bracelet from his pocket and gave it to her. "Astrid, you're my best friend and I hope we will always be together. I made this at daycare and I'm supposed to give it to someone I love, so this is for you."

Astrid couldn't help herself but giggle. She loved the bracelet made of string and colourful beads, and also the person who made it. After all, he was her best friend and playmate. She immediately engulfed him in a hug, squealing "thank you, Hayden! I love you and you are my very best friend and I'll never forget you, ever!"

The little children then went back to playing tag until sunset.


Hayden ran home crying where he found himself alone as usual. His father was always out working till late night, leaving him lonely most of the time. After being bullied by his classmates on the bus again, all the ten-year-old wanted was someone to talk to. His next instinct was to run over to Astrid's where he was always welcomed.

There, Astrid listened to all his problems patiently as he sobbed. Unfortunately due to his small size and the fact that he didn't have a mom, he was always a target of bullies. The last thing Hayden ever wanted to be reminded of was his mother's death.

There they sat, underneath the apple tree with their names they had carved onto the trunk, being there for one another in the hardest times.


At the age of 15, Hayden was still the target of bullies for being the runt of the campus, and the fact that he had a growing crush on one of the most popular girls in school did not help himself feel any better. Yes, Astrid was extremely popular. She was on the girl's volleyball team, and these days she rarely spent time with Hayden at all.

On her birthday, Hayden went over to her place to wish her, and also decided to finally express his feelings for her. They lay in the garden underneath the apple tree which was beginning to bloom, watching for shapes in the clouds. That's when Hayden decided to speak up.

"Hey Astrid?"


"Remember the bracelet I made when we were five for you?"

"Of course, what about it?"

"I really meant what I said."

"What do you mean?"

Hayden took a deep breath. "Astrid Hofferson, I really like you and I was wondering if you would like to go out with me."

Both teenagers sat up and stared at each other, when Astrid gave a reply that shattered his heart, "I'm sorry Hayden, I don't feel the same and I like someone else."

Hayden stood up and apologised, but Astrid said the unthinkable: "I'm sorry but I don't want to be seen with you again, especially after this."

Hayden just backed out of the backyard and ran home in tears.

Underneath the apple tree with their names carved onto the trunk was where their friendship broke.


Astrid regretted her words every single day of her life ever since Hayden ran home when they were fifteen. Now eighteen, she experienced lots of betrayal by her own teammates and friends, wasted herself at parties and had two boyfriends who have both left her broken. Now leaving high school, she realised she had hardly made any pleasant memories, all because she focused on her popularity over reality. Hayden had met another girl just a month before graduation and the two seemed to be a perfect fit which gave Astrid an unpleasant taste in her mouth, she couldn't understand why.

The evening after graduation, Astrid stood in her backyard, facing her apple tree and gazed at the carvings on the trunk carefully. She ran a hand over them as she recalled her memories of the day they carved it, how her parents helped them to avoid injuries, how she and Hayden used to smile together.

Hayden. He had changed a lot in the past three years, his physical attributes now made him untouchable in school. She couldn't get him out of her mind, she couldn't not feel uncomfortable with the fact that he had a girlfriend, she couldn't stop missing their childhood. That's when she realised her biggest mistake ever: she had chased him away when she did indeed return his feelings. And now he's gone.

There she stood, underneath the apple tree, one hand pressed on the carvings and the other clutching the bracelet as tears streamed down her face as she sobbed, missing her best friend. Little did she know her neighbour noticed her as he drew his curtains before bed.


Rain was pouring outside as 20-year-old Astrid forced herself into her backyard to collect some herbs for her mother. She had collected enough thyme and rosemary when she saw a silhouette approaching her, no umbrella, nothing. She could only recognise the figure when he stood right in front of her. Hayden. And he was crying, she could tell even through the pouring rain.

"She cheated on me..." was all he could force out before Astrid pulled him into a comforting hug, while sheltering him with her umbrella from the rain. She couldn't do anything except hug him at that moment, underneath the apple tree.


It had been a year since the childhood friends got together again. Now 21, Astrid drove home in her car after completing her shift at a local cafe. Back home, she decided to lay on the grass of her backyard and watch the sun set on the beautiful evening to let her mind unwind, but definitely did not expect Hayden to be there waiting for her. He had a bouquet of flowers, some of them blue, which he presented to her before speaking. "Astrid, I tried gaining your love all those years ago and failed terribly, but now here I am not backing out, hoping that this time you'll say yes. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Of course she said yes, underneath the apple tree.


Fifteen years had passed. Hayden wrapped an arm around his wife's waist and ran his hand along the bark of the apple tree in his best friend's backyard. His two children ran around the garden playing in the water sprinkler while chasing each other. The years has definitely been extremely eventful, but he knew that all the pain had paid off, for he was now married to his childhood best friend, and had two wonderful children with.

Astrid sighed contentedly. She looked up at her husband and smiled while patting the tree trunk. In her other hand she held up the bracelet in his face with a smile plastered on her face. "It all happened here."

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