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Unfortunately not everyone has a comforting life. Not every child lives a fortunate life. Some live without fresh water, some don't have parents, some don't have access to education. Even when they are blessed with happy families and a roof over their heads, not all of them are lucky. After all, diseases occur randomly, with even the safest child still at risk of falling ill.

Astrid Hofferson was a lucky child, but an unlucky teenager. As she grew up, she was forever grateful for her loving parents, a faithful blue Great Dane, a school to go to, and access to clean food and water. She had all the fun in the world with her friends both in and out of school. Everyday after school she and her group of friends would meet at someone's place to complete their homework together, and then play games. Her greatest friend of all was Hiccup Haddock, who moved into their small town when they were in third grade. Since then they were inseparable.

At the age of sixteen, Astrid started feeling light-headed in the middle of classes, and noticed bruising showing up on her body even though she had no recollection of falling over. Initially she shrugged it off thinking it was just a bug.

Weeks went past and unlike what she expected, she never recovered. Instead, she experienced shortness of breath during physical education classes, and felt her body grow weaker over the days. Her skin slowly paled, and it was then when her parents started to notice her difference. Suspecting anaemia, Astrid being their stubborn daughter spent a long time being convinced to visit the doctor, which thankfully she agreed to.

Sadly at the doctor's, she was diagnosed with leukaemia. That was the day when her world came crashing down on her, on her family. As soon as her diagnostics were released, they started her treatment. Astrid never told her friends about her illness. For months. Whenever she was absent from school or didn't join their afternoon homework sessions, all she said was that she had family matters. Her excuses were convincing in the beginning, but after three times in two weeks, Hiccup and another of their friends, Ruffnut, caught on something fishy.

The two spent their time trying to pull information out of Astrid whenever they were left alone with her, but of course Astrid was a tough cookie.

No sooner than later, Astrid started losing her hair. She knew it was coming, but she wasn't prepared of showing her friends. Without any choice, she entered her classroom for the first time bald, wearing a cap, her beautiful blonde hair gone. And her friends were the first to notice.

"I have leukaemia."

Hiccup was devastated. That's all he felt. His mind was numb, his nerves on fire. He didn't know how else to feel. His best friend, and his biggest crush was ill, and she could never recover. He didn't know what to do, didn't know what to say. All he could do was be there for her through her pain. Be positive.

He hung out at her place all day until he had to get home. He helped her with schoolwork she missed whilst secretly hoping she would still be around to use her knowledge in five years.

A year passed since Astrid revealed her illness to the school. Now, too weak to even attend classes, she had dropped out. This did not allow her and the rest of their friends to be broken apart. Every day after school, they would pay her a visit, being careful with her as she had a low immune system and felt weak and tired easily. Hiccup made sure she was as comfortable as possible, and still hid his feelings for her, worried about making her upset.

One particular evening after the rest of their friends had left, Hiccup and Astrid were sitting in her room watching videos on her laptop. It was now or never.

He did confess to her. He did not expect a reply. But he got something better.

"I really like you too, Hiccup."

For a moment they smiled softly at each other, and for the first time ever, they kissed. They cherished the little moment they had before Hiccup had to leave. He stared into the deep blue eyes of hers, still shining brightly as they did when he first met her. Right before he departed, Astrid caught his arm. She pulled a chain necklace out of her a pocket and placed it in his palm.

"Keep this to remember me when I'm gone," her voice barely a whisper.

"Don't say that, you'll be with us till we're all old and wrinkly, no one's leaving." Hiccup started tearing up.

Astrid just smiled gently, eyes showing exhaustion with a hint of determination. "Just keep it."

Hiccup just nodded back, speechless. After putting on the necklace, he gave her a kiss on the top of her head, absent of her blonde hair, before saying good night and goodbye. For the last time.

Halfway through classes the next day, Hiccup and the gang were called to the principal's office, where they were told the news. All of them immediately made their way to Astrid's house to be with her parents.

Days later, at her funeral, everyone was crying. Her whole school payed their respects, from students to teachers and also the principal. The only thing that comforted them was that she was finally pain free. Finally free from her torture, cascading endless painful treatments.

Hiccup stood by her coffin, staring at her face at peace as tears streamed down his face endlessly. He walked over to the front where a beautiful picture of Astrid with her gorgeous hair was smiling brightly at him. He gave her picture a weak smile, kissed the necklace and held it close.

"I loved you milady, and I always will."


This is a story based partially on my own past experiences and also on a book my class read in school, "Ways to Live Forever". I'm sorry for writing such a sad story... I cried while writing it hahaha

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