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"It's not easy to date these days..."

"Why? Are you and Yuan having conflicts?" Yang said sitting across the table of my office...

"That's not it... you! Golden Dragons must be doing well these days huh? Seeing that you often visit me here..."

"Thanks to you we've been doing really well..."


"What's it that you're working that you can't even take your eyes off?"

"ahhh... you can't tell anyone about this, but a colleague of mine from the prosecutors' office sent me a case regarding the Mendez tragedy, well, I didn't even told her that Yuan was my boyfriend but she sent me the files to ask for advice, I became interested of the person she suspects..."

"Why is it someone you know?"

"Not particularly, but I met her once..."

"w-who ~~ is she suspecting?"

"I can't tell you that yet... besides this is confidential..."

"fine, I respect the privacy..."

"Anyway! My company's into cosmetics these days. We're going to have a distributor contract bidding with a company. Would you like to join hands with me?" I asked

"That sounds nice... so what should we do?"

"Golden dragons will hold the physical distribution and your company holds an entertainment company so we'll let it hold the product advertisement"

"The profit?"

"60:40... My company will hold all the expenses, the shipping, distribution costs, advertisement costs, product control, permits, and the rest of the work. So, how does that sound?"

"Write a contract and a proposal, I'll propose it to the boards tomorrow..."

"Actually, I already wrote one..."

"As expected, you're always prepared..." he said

"Of course!"

"Fine! I'll read it first then present it to the boards tomorrow..."

"Wait! You said it was a contract bidding?"


"Against who?"

"Raven company..."

"They're known to be a huge distributor of cosmetics, right? Will we be able to get it?"

"You know... your lack of confidence towards me is really insulting..."

"Fiiiiine!! Miss Ivy in you, I lay my trust."

"Anyway, I have a dinner date you better leave..."

"Waaaaa! How could you ditch me your best friend, for a date?"

"Exactly!! You're my BESTFRIEND not my BOYFRIEND..."

"Ouch!! HAHAHAHA!! Anyway, I'll give you the boards' decision tomorrow..." he said as he walks towards the door of my office

"Mmmmm!!" I waived my hand to say goodbye


From: Yuan

"Ivy I'm really sorry I got caught up in a meeting can we postpone our dinner"

To: Yuan

"It's okay... take care..."

He must be busy, I waited for a reply but he didn't... I'm starting to get hungry...

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