Chapter Thirty-Eight: Tracks, Trails and Probable Deniability

Start from the beginning

   "And I wasn't even here!" Walker whines

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"And I wasn't even here!" Walker whines.  We'd picked him up on the way and were now headed to his place, it was bigger.
   "See...even Bento wanted to be there.  I can't believe you didn't invite me to at least watch, Annora darling."
   I roll my eyes.  "No I wasn't about to have you watch Chamuel and I.  That was a private moment between the two of us, now...Gimme..." I say and Walker laughs.
   "You're crazier than I am if you think I'm handing you my familiar while you're driving."
   "But Walker, you could just put him in my lap and he'll sit there like a good lil kitty, won't you Bento?"
   "Meeeooowww...." Bento smiles a genuine cat smile at me and I quickly turn back to the road.  "See.  Just put him in my lap."
   "I adore you, in fact, I love you to distraction, baby girl.  But you're not getting my cat in this car.  Now focus on the road and get us to the house.  The faster we get to the house, the faster you can get your hands on my familiar."
   I pout, but I hit the gas a little harder, and almost laugh—almost—when I hear the two gasps from the back seat.  Oh-ho, my Fairies did NOT like that.
   "Listen, when we get to Walkers, have we figured out a way to snap Garrett outta whatever it is that he's stuck in?" I ask.  "I really do not relish having him shoot anyone again." God, why did everyone keep pointing guns at my guys?
Unfortunate circumstances indeed, my amour
   Seriously, that's all you can say?
   I mean, Garrett shot Walker twice.  And Richardson fired off his gun multiples times.  If not for the Time Stop, he would have seriously hurt Branuel.
   No amour, he would not have.  Branuel is stronger than that.  Although he may have killed your officer.
   Yeah, bad...that would have been very, very bad, Chamuel.  We need to figure out how to get Garrett out of his...obsession.
   It's much more than obsession, my beloved.  He is under a spell, a spell that was activated by the healer who put the stone in your chest.  Thankfully that stone is cracking a bit with the fact that we've finalized the bond.  I think it should be a little better since we've finalized our bond.  But I cannot be certain.  And it will definitely not be undone until that healer undoes whatever it was that she did.
   Then we have to hurry it up.  We can't leave Garrett in a fucking coma, Chamuel.  The guys are going to start asking questions.  Hell, my Captain has already asked me where he is.  Thankfully we've been partnered long enough that when I "speak for Garrett" the Captain trust what I have to say.  But that is only going to last a certain amount of time.  Soon he's going to wonder where he is, and what the he'll is going on.
   "They are doing it again," Branuel Or De A'lanuel snipes angrily.
   Walker laughs. "Ohhhhh you've got your panties in a twist because of the mindspeak don't you?  Well, you're just going to have to get used to it, Big Bad Fairy King.  Now that they've fucked they're going to have fun with their little mind-to-mind conversations, if nothing else just to drive us all crazy."
   "That is NOT why I do it," I bite out.  "I honestly don't even think about it.  It's natural.  I hear him, and it's like he's spoken out-loud and so I answer in much the same manner.  I often don't even realize that we're speaking mind-to-mind."
   Walker laughs again. "Hey, listen it doesn't bother me, it just amuses me because it's driving Big Baddie over there totally nutso....well even more nutso than he already is.  Hey, hey, stop, turn off here, Annora darling."
   Oh he was right, I'd almost missed his turn.  I turn up his long driveway and try to ignore the chill that crawls up my skin as the dead all clamor for my attention.
   "You live in a graveyard," Branuel Or De A'lanuel says, and I look in my rear view mirror and see that he's smiling wildly.  Oh jeez.  Of course he'd find that awesome.
   "My house was built on the largest gravesite in the county.  But not just anyone can come here and "visit," these are all the burial places of witches and warlocks and past Coven members.  So it's relatively private, and I have my peace.  But now..." He smiles at me, "I have my Annora baby and she keeps me company and she keeps the dead company."
   "What do you mean she keeps the dead company?" Branuel asks.
   Walker looks surprised.  "You didn't tell him, Annora baby??"
   "And exactly when would've I have had the time to explain or tell him about it, huh? Answer me that, Walker Sergei Romanoff," I snipe, angrily.
   "No, baby, you misunderstand.  I'm just surprised."
   I make a hurumph sound and park the car.  I've barely stopped the car when both Fairies dash out of the car.  I slide myself out and turn to Walker immediately,
   "Gimme, gimme.  You don't have any excuses now." Bento reaches for me, and I give Walker a smug look.  Walker sighs and hands me the kitten.  "Hey baby boy, how you doing sweet little Bento baby?  Has Miss Leanore been taking care of you." He makes a cute little meow and snuggles deeply into my arms.  I pet his soft fur and wait for Walker to drop all the wards on the house and pull out the house key.
   "I still don't see why you have a house key when you have like a dozen wards on the door, Walker," I say.  "Same goes for all those damn locks.  Why when you have the wards?"
   Walker shrugs.  "I don't know, habit.  Mother had them on the Coven house growing up.  I just got used to locks.  As for the key.  I guess it makes me feel a little bit more normal."
   Hmmmm...not an answer I would've expected from him, but it made sense in a way.
We all enter the house and immediately I see Branuel take everything in, and I can tell that he approves...that he very much approves.  Yup, Walker and Branuel should just jump the gun and become roommates, because this was ridiculous.
   "You have a very nice domicile, War Lak," Branuel Or De A'lanuel says.
Of course the two of them would agree on interior design
   Chamuel laughs, Did you really expect anything different.  They are much the same, those two, very much the same.
   Is this going to be a problem?
   Having to deal with the both of them, my beloved?
   I think you've already seen the worst of it.  But it is as I have told have a long journey with Branuel Or De A'lanuel.  You will get there eventually, but not right away.  Your way with Walker is easier and will be easier.  You have known him for a long time and you have an established bond with him.  With Branuel Or De A'lanuel you were thrust into his world and you are working on understanding how the two of you are going to 'fit' together.  But trust me, my beloved, you WILL bond and you will be the stronger for it.
   You have a lot more faith than I do.
   Chamuel smiles brilliantly. I sort of must, it is WHAT I do after all.
   I grin. And the two of us stare and grin at one another like idiots.
   "Have you finished your aggravating mind-to-mind speech yet?" Branuel Or De A'lanuel complains.  He's glaring at us.
   I sigh, "Yes, we're done."  I look around.  "Where's Garrett, Walker, Chamuel? Where's Garrett?" I ignore their growls and ask again,  "Where is Garrett. I need to see him."
   "You do not need to see the boy, the boy is fine."
   "Again stop calling him a boy,  And yes, Walker, I need to see him.  I have to make sure that he's okay."
   "He is fine.  He is sleeping soundly, just like a gun happy sleeping beauty," Walker says sarcastically.
   I roll my eyes and shake my head.  "Walker where did you put Garrett."
   Walker give me a sly look, one that I'm not sure I 100% like.
   "Walker..." I say menacingly,
   "What? I simply gave him one of the largest guest rooms."
   "Which is?"
   "The body room."
   "Excuse me?" I say, and my mouth drops open in shock.  "Say what?"
   "The guest room I put him in is called the body room."
   "Take me to him NOW, Walker."
   "But, darling...."

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