(2) Potter kids time travel (Drarry)

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There was a tall man standing
He had tan skin , raven black hair and green emerald eyes , there was no doubt that it was harry potter.

Beside his was standing another tall man with white blonde hair, greyish blue eyes and pale skin......... Everyone knew he was no one else but Draco malfo- or should I say potter ;)

Older Draco was clenching onto older harry's shirt but let go when they were on balance.
They looked around to find teddy nervously smiling , James looking at the ground like it was the most interesting thing in the world........albus and Scorpius standing behind teddy and lily smiling and fluttering her eye lashes.
Older Draco stood at the front crossing his arms waiting for an explanation.
"Well?" Said older Draco
"Father.... I'm sorry" said James
"Sorry you say? For bringing you younger siblings in the past?"
Said older Draco now with an angry look on his face
James kept quiet knowing it was the best option. "Harry?" Said older draco
"What are we gonna do to him?"
"Ban him from quidditch for 1 month"
"Just that?"
James shivered making every student in the Great hall a bit scared now
"Make him join potion's for 2 months"

"What? That will do? Wait a sec...you think potion's is something of a punishment!?"

The gryffindor table snorted while others were slightly laughing
"Ummm no?"
Older Draco gave him a glare
"Ughhh fine for me, James and albus it is!"
"Tch". Was older Draco's answer
A voice from Hufflepuff spoke
"Are you malfoy?"
"Huh? No... It's potter now"
Saying that made both Draco and harry blush
"No, I mean Draco right?"
"Uh yeah" said older Draco

"Mr.potter we need to talk to you "
Said McGonagall
"Uh okay?"
"Come here" said McGonagall with dumbledore and Snape

"Take care of them till I'm back" said older harry giving older Draco a peck on the lips

That action made many students gasp while some awed but Draco and harry were hiding their faces
After older harry left....
Draco went up to the Slytherins table and sat their while everyone's eyes on them, he sat beside pansy while lily on his lap.
Albus and Scorpius sat across them
And James sat beside older Draco
"Sooo how did you end up with your rival?" Asked pansy
Everyone's faces were facing them
"It's uh- difficult to explain"
Said older Draco
"We have time" said pansy

"Well on our 8th year Ginny and you gave me and harry lip lock hex , do you know why? Because you all" older Draco said pointing at the hall
"Wanted to know our lovers"
"Sooo then?" Said pansy
"Well believe it or not but we had large amount or ego, so we didn't speak for 3 weeks" said older Draco
"WHAT!?!?" The whole hall yelled
"Yep" said older draco
"Woah, then what happened"
"Well we secretly kissed each other and the other day spoke non-stop making everyone disappointed"
Said older Draco laughing
Harry and Draco were blushing
"But that didn't end there"said older Draco
"You all planned and gave us love potions but it didn't work since we already were in love"
The whole hall sighed and looked disappointed
"But we came out on pride month"
Said older Draco
" can I ask a question?"
Said Ron
"Sure" said older draco
"Earlier, why were they so scared of older harry? Can he even be scary? I doubt it"
The future kids made a face like Ron was crazy
"You just haven't seen that side of him yet"said older Draco, his eyes wide

"Ohhh.. so goody-two-shoes potter can be scary huh?"
Said a Slytherin mocking him
"Goody-two-shoes my ass"
Older Draco said making a annoyed look
"Soo have you two had kissed yet?"
Said pansy
Older Draco made a 'are-you-serious?'
Kind of look
"Not just kiss , I'm talking about french kiss" said pansy smirking
"Pansy enough." Said Draco
"Oh Hush" pansy said
"Like are you serious? You're talking about french kissing?"
"Just french kissing? Nothing more?"
"Why would I ask anything more it's not like you two have"
Older Draco made an horrified face to pansy and James made a
' are you serious? ' face
"What?" Said pansy
"You're literally asking if we have french kissed yet because you think we haven't gotten to next step....?"
Said older Draco
"Yeah of course" said pansy
"Oh my goodness, how do you think I have 4 kids?"
Then older Draco whispered something into pansy's ear and she slightly bhushed and said-
"Wow.... i-um-uhh wasn't expecting that"
"For a second I thought you didn't know " said teddy
"How dumb do you think I am" said pansy pouting

"Uhm....can I ask something?" Said harry nervously
"Sure!" Said older Draco
"Well about earlier a question you asked Parkinson, can you tell me the answer? Well I don't know soo...."
"Which ques-"
Older Draco stopped and stared at harry shocked
"What question?" Said pansy raising an eyebrow
"You don't know how kids are created without potion right?" Said older Draco and harry nodded
Everyone gasped
"Mate.... you're too innocent" said Ron
"Only now, not in the future" said older Draco
"Soo?" Said harry
"How about you find out later" said older Draco nervously smiling
"Okay?" Said harry
"And here I thought you were capable of being a top"
Said Draco silently

Older harry poked his head through the door and said -
"Dray can you come for a second?"
"Sure"was his answer
He walked away placing lily down from his lap while some students awed again but at the cheesy nickname this time

"Soo who's the top?" Pansy said excited after they left
"Harry, definitely" said teddy
"Awww man" said pansy
"Where do you think they went?"
Said Blaise
"I know definitely were they went"
Said James
"Yeah me too, it's kinda obvious if you know them well enough"
Said teddy
"Where???" Most of the students asked
"Moaning Myrtle's bathroom"
Said James,teddy Albus and Scorpius
"Don't worry they're just snogging each other, if it takes enough time they will go to ROR.....um don't ask why tho" said teddy with slight crimson on his cheek.

A "Oooh~" left there mouths, Draco was now even redder if that's possible
Meanwhile, harry being an oblivious child understood nothing was just making an confused expression
Soon the topic changed
They were all talking about the future and stuff


1080 Words
Tell me if I should continue this or should start another series


Potter family Time travel (Drarry)Where stories live. Discover now