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I'm reading this after over 2 years and, Jesus Christ, I was cringe.

Honestly forgive me y'all for being this cringy🙏🏻 I'm genuinely recoiling as I read this.

My writing has gotten a bit better, I think. If you want me to re-write this with better grammar and stuff, I will.
I suppose that's the least I can do after basically disappearing from this account.

Btw I don't know if any of you care but I disappeared because of multiple reasons;

1. Examinations. Constant exams. God why is mathematics so hard pls help-

2. I joined a new fandom and created a new Wattpad account to post there.

3. It became difficult to stay consistent. Posting in both accounts became a huge chore, so very sorry again. The rest of my incomplete stories are going on hiatus.

4. Holy shit how are people still reading this story? I logged into this account to find 100+ notification, are you all alright?

5. Have a nice day/night/evening, bye!

Oh and, love y'all ❤️💚💙💛

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