Chapter Two

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As I fall, it occurs to me that this could be how I die.

I never took into count the large gap between Heaven and Earth. I am too scared to scream as air swallows me, shoving me down towards the Earth as fast as it can. I whimper as something burns my skin, and I find myself feeling warmer and warmer. My hair hurts me as it whips around crazily in all sorts of directions.

But I just lay face-up, keeping my eyes open. My arms are open on either side of me, and I'm just falling freely. I break the cloud surface, and I flip myself around so I can see the quickly approaching Earth. I release a wild scream, my face breaking out into a wide smile. I can now see the colors of lakes, the expanses of fields, the dark green of forests. The world is quickly approaching and it's more beautiful than anything I've ever seen.

Suddenly, my falling ceases. I can hear the flapping of wings, and I know what it is. My eyes train on crystal blue ones, as alive and filled with life as any eyes I'd seen before.
"Who are you?" The angel asks, his brown hair blowing around through the wind.
"Myra Evans," I reply simply. His large wings span out forty feet each, white and bearing the same stiff, white feathers I used to stroke intently. "Who are you?"
"Azeriel, the angel," He replies.
"I figured."

In a split second, we are on earth. I do not recognize where we are, as I stare up and down the dark ally, the night sky creating minimal lighting. Azeriel is wearing a nice suit, so compared to those who are homeless just down the way from us, he looks wealthy.

I shiver. It is cold out tonight, and my thin shirt does not do much for me. Rain comes down from the sky, wetting me down almost immediately. I look at the homeless people, and then back at Azeriel. However, the angel is now gone. I spin around, desperately searching for him, but come up with nothing. So, I make my way down to the homeless people.

The rain is loud in the alleyway, smacking against the pavement in a pitter-patter hum. It's a constant drumming sound that's soothing to the ears. Once I reach the homeless, I find myself underneath a small bridge thing that connects two buildings. There's an empty oil can that people stand around, their clothes in tatters, dirty faces and hands. They look up as I come over, and then back down at the fire.

I stand next to one girl, who's hair is in a blonde, matted mess. She wears a hat that has a number of holes, and her clothes are thin and not nearly good enough for the weather outside. However, I shouldn't say much. My thin shirt and jeans are not exactly suffice to the cold weather and rain. The girl glances at me, her green eyes holding a deep understandings, that only someone who's been homeless before has.
"I am not used to being cold," I state, shivering against my will.
"Well, it gets to be part of the job," She murmurs, shivering herself. I nod, and stand closer. She slips off one of her thin jackets, handing it to me. "It won't help much, but it's something," She smiles. I shake my head.
"I cannot take your jacket."
She thrusts it towards me once again. "Please, I remember when I first started this life. I was praying that someone would give me a jacket."

I nod, and reluctantly slip the thin material over my shirt. Like she had said, it does not help much, but it does help a little bit. I huff, resuming my hunched over,shivering position. "It amazes me how someone with so little could give away so much."
"It's because we know what it's like to want- to need -something," The girl answers.

Just as I'm about to reply, I hear the sound of beating wings. When I turn around, there stands Azeriel. The other homeless people look up at him, and cold looks cross their faces. Even the girl beside me gives him a nasty snarl. I furrow my eyebrows, they were selfless not one moment ago, what happened?
"Oh look, another rich kid" One of the homeless men snaps. Azeriel does not blink.
"I am no child," He simply answers. The homeless laugh, their laughs cold.

Fighting Through It All [Dean Winchester fanfic] #Wattys2015حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن