"A..are we.. friends" - chapter 3

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| TW |
- Homophobia
- slight swearing (i think idk..)
- Indirect bullying
- slight anxiety attack

Ray- (Like last time if ive forgotten something I apologise)


| After School |

Authors pov

Katsuki arrived at the nurses office to check on todoroki but found no one in his bed, he ask the nurse whos name was apparently Chiyo Shuzenji to checked if shoto went home. Bakugou had a bad feeling but ignored it he knows shoto should be safe at home... but somthing plagued his thoughts <what did kirishima mean by that..did he do that> he shook his head trying to get rid of the thought and walked home

| The Next Day |

Shoto's pov

Waking up to the loud ring od my alrm clock i begin my morning routine. <i wounder how the blondie is doing> wait why am I thinking about him, never mind that i finnish brushing my shower and wrapp up my wounds i got last night then set off to school with my headphones in. "O— h-lf — o- OI!" Jumping and turning i see none other than that blondie who saved me.

He took my headphones off but when he reached for them I flinched thinking he was gonna hurt me but he didnt "hey didnt i tell ya i wasnt gonna hurt you, you can trust me" his voice was surprisingly calming, shaking a little i reply with "w..why..?" "Why what?" "...n..never mind s..should we go" he nodded and started to walk with me following behind silently untill I realised something "w..wait!" Relying with a grunt "what? I dont feel like being late" gulping down a lump that found its way to my throat "u..umm whats y..your name" closing my eyes waiting for him to yell or something like that "bakugou, katsuki bakugou didnt u listen in class yesterday?!" Shaking my head 'no' and began to speed walk to school "h..hurry or we will be late.."

Katsuki's pov

Blushing he was dragging me to school holding my hand <w..wait stop blushing idiot! Why are you even doing so> "oi! I can walk you know!" I retorted but he was silent and still dragging me. Picking up my pace i grab his hand in return to drag him instead.

We reach the gates and i lets go of him instantly, i dont wanna seem soft towards others but i dont know part of me wants to protect the candy cane haird boy behind me. "Go off on you own" hearing a light sigh slip from his lips i feel a cool breeze ho past meaning he did as i told him to. Soon he was out of sight.

Making my way to class a red headed boy stopped me "yo your the one who help the weakling werent ya?" He came up to me grinning <what does this shit haird looser want> "what do you want shitty hair?!" He seemed to chuckle at the nickname i have him and swung his arm around my neck "you shouldn't have saved him he derserved the hits after what he did to deku" he then pulled out his phone showing me some crude and gruesome pictures of todoroki and the green head and i knew who he was..<deku? But why would shoto do that> "they used to be 'best friends' but then that faggot seemed to change and did this to izuku. At least thats what he said, it felt like izu was hiding something but it was probably something worse todoroki did to him. This is a warning Stay. Away. From. Him" with that he waled away leaving me shocked.

All ryes were on me as i turned up to class late. I DIDNT GET LOST... thats not the point anyway. Scanning the room i see todoroki looking down at his desk with almost..dead eyes, he was reading something that was written on his desk but washes it off before anyone sees and looks out the window. <tch why should i care hes acting as a victim..right?  And deserves everything everyone does to him...> somthing didn't settle right in my stomach as i thought of it so i sat fown at my desk.

Kirishimas pov

<i saved the new kid from that monster, ill tell deku after class> staring at bakugou i saw he was in a deep thought <is he thinking about joing us in teaching the idiot a lesson? I hope..hes kinda cute> smiling and blushing a little as i watch his focused face <if he doesn't ill make him join and make him mine>

Shoto's pov

My eyes caught onto kirishima staring at katsuki blushing, my heart dropped as my anxiety began to play up becoming harder for me to breath and the others chatting bacame muffled so i put my head on the desk with my hands over my ears <katsuki is gonna join him and leave you. Like everyone does, your not worth a friend let alone him just look at him he's amazing, strong and handsome and then theres you a failure, weak and ugly."you /i dont deserve anyone"> i both thought and mumbled quietly along with the voice in my head...

The school day ended quickly and i managed to not get beat today. Spotting katsuki's hair and seeing hes alone I quickly run up to him slowing down as i reach him. "K..atsuki..?" He turned around and gave me a scowl "what?!" Starting to tremble i began regretting about wanting to ask this question so i looked down and remembered what he told me 'you may not trust me now but I promise i will protect you from themand i will prove that you can trust me' i took a deep breath "a..are we friends..?"

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