Chapter 41

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I changed the cover haha. I also got bored, so have a genderswapped picture.


I observed Pakunoda with slight curiosity. She was frozen, just staring at the note. A look of stress and concern flashed across her face as she gripped the note, creating small wrinkles that ran across the paper.

"Paku." Nobunaga spoke up from behind me. "Paku..." The woman didn't respond. "Paku!" He yelled, and her head shot up.

"Don't say a word. Got it?" Nobunaga gave her a reassuring look. Another wave of pain surged through my wrist, and I slightly winced as Nobunaga's grip on it tightened. The more stressed he was about their boss missing, the more his pressure increased.

"Machi, focus on your threads. I'll take him for you." He stated, walking over to the woman, and pushing me forward so he could move.

I focused on not letting a huge grin consume my face. Kurapika pulled it off. He really did it. Maybe I wouldn't die here afterall.

Nobunaga took Killua from Machi, and held him next to me. The boy looked at me, a worried look on his face.

"Sup." I smirked, and his previous worry vanished. An irritated expression quickly overtook his face.

"We're being held hostage, and that's all you have to say?!" Killua scolded me and I grinned.

"Do you prefer," my face quickly dropped to a poker face. "Why hello there, young sir." I mocked a noble voice, and Killua growled.

"NO! THAT'S EVEN WORSE! QUIT BEING AN IDIOT!" He yelled, leaning towards me, even though he was being restrained by Nobunaga.

"My apologies sir, I shall quit being an idiot." I continued to mock a noble voice, and the boy fumed.

"You're hopeless!" He huffed, and I laughed.

"I sound like one of your butlers!" I choked out between laughs. Killua scoffed and turned away from me.

"Yeah, probably a bad idea to put those two together." Machi stated as she pointed to Killua and I in Nobunaga's grasp.

"Huh? Why?" Shizuku asked, pushing up her glasses.

"Isn't obvious? They bicker like an old married couple." Machi replied, and both Killua and I tensed. My face burned at the thought of marrying Killua. No! Get that thought away from me!

"I think it's amusing." Nobunaga chuckled, keeping us together. Killua scoffed again, and I let out a nervous laugh.

"Anyways, since the chain user left us a message, he'll contact us again. Until then, these kids are valuable hostages." Nobunaga gestured to the three of us.

"Right... I'm thinking too hard." The woman replied with a sigh.

"Paku, don't worry about it too much. Just keep your mouth shut." Machi stated, turning towards the woman.

The lights turned back on, and I blinked as my eyes adjusted to the sudden light. I yawned, tired of being tied up and constrained. I just want to go to sleep.

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