Chapter 54

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Dreaisloved asked me to draw Korudo with short hair, so here ya go.


"Masadora's about seventy kilometers away. That's a three-hour trip, at most." Bisky stated as I finished up my push-ups.

"Seriously?" All three of us exclaimed in disbelief. This woman is crazy! We started running towards Masadora, and we ended up making it by morning.

"Oh, there it is!" Gon grinned as he slowed to a jog.

I shielded my eyes from the sun as I looked up at the sky. "Damn, the sun's already up." I sighed before looking at Bisky.

"Let's find a department store now!" She beamed in excitement. We ended up finding one pretty quickly, and I walked around gazing at the hundreds of rows of cards.

"They're only selling cards..." Gon mumbled as he knelt down to look closer at the shelves.

"Sorry for the wait. Let's return to that rocky area." Bisky called from across the aisle.

"What?!" We all screamed. Man! I don't want to run all the way back! However, I didn't have a say, and before I knew it we were running back to the mountains.

"Gain!" Bisky shouted, and 3 shovels, flashlights, and a wheelbarrow fell out of the cards. We were now back in the rocky area, and I looked at the tools. wearily.

"These are the cards you bought?" Killua asked.

"Yep. We'll head back to Masadora now." Bisky stated, and I sighed in relief. "However,we'll go in a straight line!" She grinned.

"W-Wait..." I stuttered, processing her words.

"Huh? A straight line? You can't mean..." Killua trailed off, scared of her answer.

"Yep! It's time to dig!" She cheered, and I tensed. This is the type of work I used to do. Her smile faltered, and she eyed me for a second.

"Alright boys! Get to it! Korudo, stay." She ordered, and I jumped.

"Huh? Stay?" I blinked, watching the boys walk off. I caught Killua's worried gaze as he started leaving. I only shook my head, and he turned back around.

"Now. I have a feeling you've had experience in this field of work?" She picked her words carefully, and I swallowed hard.

"Uh- yeah. You could say that." I replied nervously. I looked away, and I heard her hum in thought.

"So do you know about Shu?" She asked, and I looked back at her.

"Isn't that the Nen technique which includes an application of Ten? The boys could use it with their shovels to make the digging easier." I answered, remembering one of Shiro's lectures from a long time ago. He had taught me because he knew what I had come from.

"Precisely. Since you already know this technique, why don't you do some one on one training with me?" She offered, instead of making me dig.

"I'd like that." I smiled, and she nodded.


"If you're going to rest, sit properly." Bidky scolded the boys as they flopped onto the ground after digging through one of the boulders.

She brought all three of us to sit against one of the boulders. She gave each of us a rope, and I looked over my head to see a big rock hanging over it.

"Starting today, you must always
sleep in this position." She instructed, and I sighed.

"Aw man... No more peaceful sleep." I whined quietly, and Killua snickered.

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