Chapter 5 - The Power of Pirates

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Hey guys, Phoenix here. I hope you  enjoy this chapter, I sure did while writing it. :) Stay awesome!

If there's one thing Team Enigma - the mysterious, heterogeneous group that sails the deep seas fears most, is helplessness.

And trust me when I say this - Team Enigma is not easily frightened.

You can make us walk through blazing fire of hell with bare feet and we'll moonwalk that crap. You can tie us up over hundreds of knives with just a speck of an island to land on and we'll be doing somersaults. You send us in the Great One's lure and we'll come out as winners. (Been there, done that.)

But, when one of us is harmed any way that is out of our means for repair, a small, microscopical feeling of fear that everybody's too proud to admit settles in our hearts. And when the one that's harmed is our Captain - well, multiply that feeling by s million, bazilion..well, you get the point.

Sighing, I scanned the sight around me. Each member of our crew was in self banished isolation, tending their wounds from the battle with the marines and other problems that couldn't be fixed with the tender hand of The Doctor.

The replaying of memories Trilby had spurred as a last resort to get  Cara back had affected us all. No matter how much the change in her was evident since her memory loss, having those pictures filled with laughter and happiness play in our head like a twinkling kaleidoscope were like a hammer to our guts.

I mean, for God's sakes, her room is pink! PINK!

Suddenly, the ship swayed a little and my eyes snapped towards the sea finding it's mood was turbulent. Anger was recruiting demons in my gut and nature felt its effect. Standing up, I rushed towards Miss Helsing.

I'm done sitting around and letting Cara sulk in her bubble baths and call poor Bitey Cuddles. That's wrong on every level.

"I know," she said as soon as I approached her, understanding what I was going to say. Her eyes flickered slowly to me and then returned to the sea as if it would give us an answer. "I've been brainstorming myself."

Pushing my doubts down, I followed her eyes and allowed my own gaze to travel the glorious depths of the sea.

"I have a plan," I said. "It's risky, slightly stupid and may backfire on us so bad our great ancestor's would feel it effect."

"Perfect," her mouth curled up in sincere smile as she glanced back at me. "Just like the old days."


"What's the percentage of succeeding in this plan?" Winter asked, eyes narrowed and arms crossed at her chest. Miss Helsing, Imagination Queen, Trilby, Winter and I were in in the first mate chambers, contemplating about my plan.

I thought about her question.

"Solid ten percent,"  I answered and everybody gave me a dumbstruck look. "If we're lucky, perhaps fifteen?" I offered.

They were right to doubt my plan, I myself was sceptic about betting my money on it but I was desperate. We all were. And just sitting on the ship waiting for Cara to regain her memory was not working anymore.

Team Enigma needed action. It needed their Captain back.

"Well," Winter sighed and dropped her piercing gaze. With Cara on hiatus, Winter was currently Captain and I needed to consult with her and the newly appointed first mate. I glanced at Trilby, silently asking her to shed some light on Winters thoughts in that moment.

She winked and I resisted the urge to first pump the air. "What the hell, it's not like we weren't battling against lesser chances before." Winter announced confirming Trilby's result.

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