Chapter 4 - Fire & Ice

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Hey guys, it’s your first mate, Winter Soldier. I’m not gonna say much. I hope you like my chapter. :)


“Trilby, I’m fine.” I said, “For crying out loud, I don’t have regrets anymore. I’m through with the past. Why can’t anyone see that?”

“I do!” she exclaimed, “I know. You’ve changed. You’re stronger than before, and don’t worry about the rest of the crew.”

“They think I still am holding regrets inside.”

“No they don’t. In fact, they respect you. I mean, come on, Winter. You know as well as I do the strongest friendships come from sharing common grief not common joys.”

“Don’t repeat my words to me. I’m gonna freaking connect you to Cerebro and keep you there forever.”

She laughed and I grinned, playfully slapping her back.

“It’s good to see you back.” She said, “I mean, I know with the Captain gone…”

“You underestimate me.” I replied, “We’re not done yet. Gather the crew.”

She took the help of Crystal and Disney to gather the crew members together. When everyone crowded around, I stood on the sterncastle deck next to the wheel where everyone could see me.

“Believe me when I say this, I’m not good in speeches and neither am I going to impose one on you.” I said, “All I want to do is ask you a question.”

Everyone looked at me with concern. Trilby frowned at some of them, shaking her head. When she caught my gaze, she shrugged her shoulders. I didn’t understand what was going on, until of course, she must have read my mind, judging by the fact I hear her thoughts in my mind.

'They’re hoping you’re not leaving the ship and in any case, sacrificing yourself in any way. '

I frowned at that, and rubbed my eyes.

“Jesus Christ!” I said, “No, guys. I’m not planning to get myself killed. Relax!”

I heard a few sighs of relief and shook my head.

“With that out of the way, I just have one question.” I said, “Considering the current circumstances, I’m acting Captain now. My question is, does anybody disagree with me being Captain?”

Nobody answered. Just blinked.

“Look, everyone is equal here. Nobody’s inferior.” I added, “If you have an opinion, please share it. I’m taking Imagination Queen as my temporary first mate since she’s experienced the sort of thing once before.”

Shadow was the first one to speak.

“Yeah!” he exclaimed, “I have an opinion!”

Although I didn’t do well with criticisms, it was something I needed to face so I nodded at him.

“Go ahead.” I said.

“What do you need us to do?” he answered.

“I’m sorry, come again?”

“I mean, what are your orders, Captain? Somebody needs to get Cara back, right? So what should we do?”

It was amazing and absolutely unbelievable that they trust me. I had no time to waste or come up with a well thought out plan, so I gave the simplest idea. Of free will.

“We go in guns blazing.” I said, “Or swords thrusting. Whatever it takes. We’re close to their ship. We can catch the marines in no time.”

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