Chapter 3 - Enemies or Allies?

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Hey guys!! This is my New Year's present to you all, hope you like it and please don't kill me afterwards! ;(


Cara lay relaxed surrounded by scented candles and lots of bubbles as she let out a sigh and lay her head back on the edge of the bath.

This is relaxing. So much better than fighting and getting bloody and dirty.

Cara didn't like getting dirty, she liked looking her best and liked everything clean an in order. This place was a mess when she first entered this room, now it was perfect without a speck of dirt anywhere. This whole ship was old and dirty. It disgusted her. How a ship could be kept like that was horrible. The only room she liked in this whole place was her own, so that's where she stayed. She watched as the candles light flickered toward her, she had a sudden urge to touch it but she decided against it, for she feared of getting burned.

She waited until all the bubbles had dissolved before deciding it was time to get out. But her mind was still wandering on the conversation she had with Winter last night. Her friend had seemed very familiar to her and yet there was a nagging feeling in her brain that wouldn't go away. Along with that old hat which for some reason she couldn't get rid of. She wrapped herself in a light pink dressing gown and put a towel around her long, wet hair as she opened the door back into her cabin.

Cara giggled as the little dragon jumped up and wiggled his way up toward her and snuggled against her neck. She had grown fond of the little dragon and it seems it felt the same way.

"You need a name, don't you?" Cara told him as she scratched under his chin.

"I know! I'll call you Cuddles!" she smiled happily as the dragon yipped in annoyance. But Cara paid no mind to him, happy with her choice of name. It was early in the morning as Cara walked to the large wardrobe, she needed something to wear other than piratey clothes. She stared at the endless row of black long coats, trousers and boots.

"That's it?! Nothing else?" Cara exclaimed as she flopped back onto the bed.  The dragon (now known as Cuddles) tried to sympathise with her by licking her hand. Cara began to giggle again as he tried to cheer her up and began to nudge her hand before jumping off the bed and diving into the wardrobe with a thump. Cara shot up as she watched the little dragon scamper about in the bottom of the wardrobe before dragging out a large iron chest.

"What's that?" Cara asked him puzzled as she walked over to him as he jumped on the box happily,  his find. She patted him on the head as he hopped down and began to scratch at the chest as if he wanted her to open it. She pulled at the rusted lock but it wouldn't open. It needed a key. She began to search all around the room but the key was nowhere to be found. She sat back down, defeated as she traced the dragon insignia moulded into the hot iron with her hand, she recognised it before but she couldn't remember where from. Suddenly as if by magic, her hand spurted a bright red flame as she watched in shock as the flame curled around the insignia like a moth drawn to a flame. It shot around the box like hot magma and burnt the lock clean off, the box still glowing a dark red.

She opened the chest gingerly as she coughed at the amount of dust that had gathered and winced in disgust at the dust and grime on the box. Instead the chest was a dusty old book and a large package wrapped in faded brown paper. Cara picked up the book and read the cover aloud.

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