"Rebecca, can't you ever be nice to Dominick," my dad chastised Rebecca as I tried to hold my laughter.

"Dominick, it's great to have you here," my dad shook his hand. Rebecca rolled her eyes as she got up.

"I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back," she grabbed her purse. I heard another chair pull back as I glanced at my sister.

"Evening, I'm going to join mom," she glared at me up and down as she walked passed me.

I shook my head as a grin appeared on my face. "I see nothing has changed," I sat next to my dad as Dominick sat next to me.

"Just ignore them, you know how your mom and sister are. They want all the attention to them. I practically had to beg them to come tonight," he drank his wine as I felt Dominick's hand grasp mine.

I glanced over at his blue glisten eyes. I smiled as I turned back to my dad. "So, son, when are you coming back to work? I need your help on a new design I want to do on a building," I loved my dad's enthusiasm for work.

"Dad, I need to tell you something before Rebecca and Ivy come back," I felt Dominick squeeze my hand.

"What son? Can't you tell us all? Why the secret?" Maybe because I don't want those witches knowing my business.

"Hmm, I'd rather just tell you, dad," he scrunched his brows as he adjusted his body towards me.

"Son, you're worrying me, what's going on?" His voice was more concerned.

"Dad, I want you to meet an addition to the family, my husband Dominick," my dad's eyes averted to Dominick. He stood frozen as his eyes didn't move.

"Your what?" I turned back as Rebecca had her hands folded. Her green eyes pierced into me as she darted daggers at Dominick.

"I knew it," Ivy said from behind Rebecca as a grin was wider than her face.

"Charles don't just sit there, tell him something," I could hear her screech across the restaurant as I noticed a couple of people turn to our direction.

"This shall be good," Ivy added as my face felt hot.

"Charles!" Rebecca scoffed as I got up.

"Maybe this wasn't a good idea," Dominick got up as well.

"You're damn right this wasn't a good idea. How dare you bring this abomination to our family," she walked towards my dad as I saw her face was flustered.

"Abomination, really Rebecca. I'm out of here," I was about to leave when my dad finally said something.

"Son, come back here and sit. And Rebecca I suggest you stay quiet," my dad coming back to his senses. "Ivy sit down, now!" he glared at Ivy as she sat in her seat.

I sat down as my anxiety was at its peak again. Dominick grabbed my hand underneath the table as I calmed down a bit.

My dad turned to me as a faint smile went across his face. "If Dominick makes you happy then who am I to judge," my dad smiled as he got up. He opened his arms as I stood up and hugged him.

"Thanks, Dad, I really appreciate the support," I heard a chair pull away as I glanced at Rebecca. She pushed back her long golden tresses behind her as she grabbed her black clutch.

"I'll see you at home Charles, let's go, Ivy," Ivy stood up and grinned. She followed Rebecca as they disappeared.

My dad shook his head. "I'm not sure how much I can take this woman," he gasped as he turned to me again. He smiled as he glanced at Dominick. "Welcome to the family son," Dominick got up as my dad pulled him into a hug.

"I knew something was off with you two but now I understand it's because you loved each other," I couldn't feel happier to hear those words from my dad.

"Yes, Mr. Kingston, I love your son," Dominick pecked me on my cheek.

"Dominick, son, you're part of the family now and now I have questions about not getting invited to your wedding," he joked around as we sat down again.

"Well dad, we got married through the court," now Dominick held my hand on top of the table.

"Well, let's plan a big wedding then," my dad said it more enthusiastically than expected.

Our dinner with my dad was all I needed. He was supportive of my decision and that's all I needed. We laughed and drank until my dad was tired. We said goodbye and went home.

I sat on the edge of the bed as I took off my shoes. Dominick sat next to me and started kissing my neck. "Baby, make love to me," his husky voice made my cock twitch.

"Mmm, but first I want to taste you," I got on top of him as we both got comfortable on the bed. Our kisses were sloppy and intense. I quickly took off his shirt as he pulled up my muscle shirt off. I pulled down his dress pants as his cock bounced up and down. I love it when he doesn't wear underwear. "Just what I wanted," I smirked as I licked down his chest and stop on his waistline. I grabbed the base of his cock  as I twirled my tongue around the tip. He arched his back as he moaned.

"Fuck yes," he grabbed my head as I put his hard shaft in my mouth. I went up and down as his groans got louder.

Suddenly I felt his shaft get soft. I licked and sucked on it but he wasn't getting harder. I looked up at him as he quickly sat up. "Did I do something wrong, babe?" I gazed into his blue eyes but he didn't look at me.

"No babe, I think I'm just tired. I'm going to go shower," he got up and quickly went into the bathroom.

I laid in bed extra horny but what just happened. I took a deep breath as I got changed into my pajamas.

He got out and quickly changed into his sleepwear. I opened the cover for him as he laid next to me. I pulled him closer and kissed his neck. "Want to try again," as my hand went to his crotch.

"Not tonight, babe," I'm tired. He turned off the lamp next to the dresser as he left me in the dark thinking of what I did wrong.

I hope it wasn't me.



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