15 | Wooyoung

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Rainbow Bridge, Niagara Falls, Canada

I slowed the truck down and turned the engine off. "Looks like we'll have to walk from here."

I had offered to take over the wheel for the second half of the ride, which took only half an hour because I was starting to recognize the scenery. One of my younger brothers always begged me to take him to the fireworks at the Falls, so I knew the place like the back of my hand, even though the streets and houses on the way looked devoid of life, trashed by Invincs and stripped by mother nature with her merciless disasters.

The entrance to the bridge was blocked off by two heavy trucks parked horizontally across the width, so there was no choice but to squeeze through on foot. If Yeosang's sources were reliable, the spaceship would be somewhere in the woods on the other end of the bridge, on America's side.

The truck shook as the people at the back climbed out of the cargo bed. I looked to my right at Yeosang, who was slowly making his way out of the truck with his injured leg, and Mingi, who remained sitting uncomfortably between the driver and shotgun seat.

As I drove, I couldn't help but notice how his eyes were glassy, as if he wanted to cry. Now, he stared straight ahead at nothing. I nudged him gently, and he snapped out of his trance with a jump.

"We're here."

Mingi nodded mechanically and followed me out of the truck. San approached us and tossed me my backpack, everyone else trailing behind. Seonghwa was saying something to Hongjoong, while Yunho took a puff out of an inhaler as his brother carried both their stuff.

As expected, it was the soldier who led the way at the front of the group as we crossed the bridge. The snowstorm must've been big enough to cut off the power in the area as well, because the lamps were all out and we had to use our phones to light up the road.

My heart started to pound again, just like how it did when I stood in front of Vancouver's spaceship. We were all very close to the end, but the air between us lacked enthusiasm and relief. Perhaps all of us were too tired - I thought of all the different burdens that were weighing down every one of us, draining our energy.

I touched my pendant over my chest. I'll meet with all of you very soon, mom, dad, all my brothers and sisters.

We passed the halfway mark on the bridge, the only sounds being our footsteps, our breathing, and the roar of the waterfall beneath us. I thought that the silence would continue until we board the spaceship, until we part ways and never speak to each other again, but it broke off suddenly in a way I could've never imagined.

San and I were walking side by side closer to the end of the group, so we were the first to hear them. A faint shuffling behind an abandoned car on the side of the bridge, followed by urgent whispers. By the time we caught on and turned our heads to check, three well-built men were zooming past us in a blur, making us stumble back in surprise.

There was a gasp and I spun around to see one of the men holding Yunho in a tight headlock, with a sharp knife pointed at his vulnerable neck.

The two others stood to their left, wielding similar weapons and wearing a smirk on their faces. All of them wore dirty tank tops, revealing tattoos on their arms. They looked like escaped prisoners, thugs in their past life.

San clutched my arm tightly, and I gulped. Everyone else behind us caught on as well, turning around and freezing in shock when they saw Yunho being held hostage. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Hongjoong walking forwards bravely, rifle in hand.

"San," the soldier said, eyes not leaving the thug in the middle. "Tell them to let Yunho go, or I'll shoot."

I stared at my friend as he hesitated, lips trembling. When he finally spoke, his voice was laden with fear. "L-let our friend go, or... or we'll shoot."

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