14 | Mingi

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Toronto Pearson Airport, Canada

My eyes snapped open abruptly, but I sensed nothing around me that might have woken me up. The cockpit was in pin-drop silence, and thanks to my sleeping mask, the afternoon sun couldn't get to my eyes.

I sat up and pulled the mask off, squinting at brightness. How long have I slept for? I rubbed my face to get some of the grogginess away, and faintly made out the others talking outside my door.

A fuzzy memory floated in my mind. The soldier, clinking a glass of whisky with me. I recalled what he said to me before I felt my eyelids droop heavily."Rest well, Mingi. We'll have a long day ahead." And then. And then everything blacked out.

A surge of anger washed over me like a tide as I figured out what had happened. That Hongjoong guy tampered with my drink!

Just as abruptly, fear settled in my heart. Are they planning to ditch me? Knock me out and leave me here to die?

I threw my sheets off the bed and lunged at the door, fumbling with the lock clumsily before dashing out into the cabin. Everyone stopped what they were doing and froze in place, watching me with wide eyes. I scanned their outfits, the bags in their hands, and I knew I was right.

Before I could stop myself, the words tumbled out. "You ungrateful bastards!"

Apart from Hongjoong, everyone exchanged surprised glances, their eyes glinting with what looked like amusement. It fueled the flame in my chest and I couldn't hold back. They were making fun of me when I caught them running away?

I opened my mouth, ready to scream at them and do whatever I could to hurt them in return for betraying me when the soldier took a step forward, his hand reached out in that forever-placating gesture. I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes. Even the corner of his lips were curled up.

"Mingi, how was your sleep? We were just about to wake you up."

"You? Out of everyone--" I faltered when I realized what he just said, my voice softening unwillingly. "You... you were going to wake me up?"

He smiled apologetically. "Sorry. But I knew you weren't going to sleep if I didn't do something. Don't worry, it's just some sleeping pills I added in your drink. It's around three in the afternoon now, and we want to get going before the sun sets."

I stared down at the soldier, abashed, as I try to process his words with my muzzy brain. The feeling of betrayal, however, had not fully left my system yet. If Hongjoong was telling the truth, then I was out for at least four hours. Long enough for them to plot anything against me. "H-hold on. I'm done with being your pilot-- I don't think--"

"We're going to Niagara Falls." As if reading my mind, Seonghwa started to explain. He gave me a brief summary of the snowstorm that I slept through, as well as how all our fuel spilled out. I almost fainted at that, if it weren't for the good news that came after. "No one got hurt from the snowstorm, and just before all service died, Yeosang saw a tweet about a new spaceship landing in America, right beside the Falls. In other words, we don't need a pilot, we need a driver."

Something seized me, and all of a sudden I felt worse than ever. Scared, desperate. I didn't have a driver's license. Never learnt how to use any vehicle other than planes. The first thought that gnawed at me was the fact that I no longer had any use to the team, and therefore I would be left alone.

In spite of myself, though, I couldn't give up on my dignity. Ignoring the heat that was rising from my chest to my neck, I raised my voice in a meager attempt to hide my embarrassment. "D-don't even think about it! Even if you beg me, I won't be your driver. I'm done being used by you, I'm done being nice!"

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