I. Right Back Where We Started

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She made her way to Stadlers Restaurant and looked around, confused. A man pointed to the WHITES ONLY sign as everyone stared at her.

Luther fell through a blue mass and cried, "Oh, shit!" He landed on a dumpster.

He stood and turned around. "Diego! Five?" A man walked towards him. "Allison!"

From a roof, a man under a colored striped umbrella took a picture.

"Allison!" Luther and the man called. "Allis-" Luther stopped.

"Allison!" the man continued.

Diego fell through a blue energy mass, landing in September 1, 1963. He landed on the ground on one knee with a grunt. The portal zapped shut and he stared at it with a frown.

A woman cried, "Help! Somebody help me!"

Diego ran to the woman's screams as she yelled again, "Help! Somebody help me!"

He threw his knife, pinning the thief to a pole before punching him as the woman walked towards them.

JFK was speaking on TV. "... and the glow from that fire can truly light the world."

Diego handed the woman her pocketbook back.

"And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you," Diego leaned in closer, "ask what you can do for your country."

The audience cheered.

A female fell through a portal on October 12, 1963. She fell to the ground with a groan.

Vanya held her head as she gasped, stood and stumbled through the street.

She laid on the ground after being hit by a car as two figures stood above her.

"Son of a biscuit," the blonde woman said.

Five landed through another blue mass of energy. He almost landed properly, but he started falling and caught himself before he got soaked in the puddle of water.

The wind whipped as he turned back to the blue mass. "Luther! Diego! Elisa!"

He heard gunshots and went to investigate. It was November 25, 1963.

A man shouted indistinctly. Another man shoutef in Russian. A plane flew overhead.

Five ran through the machine gun fire and found a newspaper. "Soviets attack U.S.?" He stood as a man shouted in Russian. "No, this can't be right."

"Gonna get you out," a soldier reassured, speaking in English to a man. "Keep your head down."

Another man shouted in Russian as he shot a gun and cries sounded.

"Medic! Medic!" another man cried in English.

"Hey, kid, get down!" a soldier ordered, running up with a gun.

Five watched as a man got shot and asked himself, "What the hell did we do now?"

An explosion behind him sounded and a missile began firing. Five started going to his right to the ground.

As the missile detonated, two figures appeared. Vanya and Elisa. Vanya held her hands in front of her, destroying the missile with sound waves. Elisa used the chaos around her to create a focal point to attack the Russians.

Klaus used the power of the dead to attack the Russian soldiers. They ran, afraid of the glowing blue figures chasing them.

Tobias did his best to reassure panicking citizens. He wasn't a doctor or a cop, but an accountant. And sometimes all people needed was a little reassurance.

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